Irishstar doxa

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Irishstar doxa

Post by koimaster » June 29th 2022, 11:16pm

Here's the thing about the DOXA Irishstar. It is and isn't a DOXA. In the image above, the Irishstar is almost 100% a DOXA. Everything was made by DOXA except the paint on the dial. The Dial is an original DOXA dial which I had repainted. I had hoped that DOXA would make a green dial SUB but sadly it never happened. Not sure why, because as of mid 2022, they have made dials of just about every other colour except green.


Maranez has their own version ... D5dv9UmK9g


“Your heart was warm and happy

With the lilt of Irish laughter

Every day and in every way

Now forever and ever after."
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