When “Made In China” Means Luxury

Asian Made & Swiss Asian watches
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When “Made In China” Means Luxury

Post by koimaster » March 7th 2022, 11:11am

When one considers the insane volume of watches that are produced in China every year, it would be easy to assume that watchmaking has been a part of the Asian country’s history for centuries. Yet, as we will discuss here, China’s watch industry can be considered adolescent when compared to the likes of Germany and the United States.

Nevertheless, they’ve become a movement-crafting powerhouse, likely the largest in the modern world. This fact has also allowed luxury Chinese watch brands to surface and thrive.

We will explore the best of these watch brands, as well as Chinese watchmaking heritage, via the following points:

China’s Watchmaking History
Seagull Watches – Why Are They So Popular?
Best Chinese Watch Brands



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