Wonder if things have changed with doxa company

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Wonder if things have changed with doxa company

Post by koimaster » October 10th 2021, 10:26am

lets talk doxa and the grand lies they tell. Had word from a Doxa company guy that there are no more (pretend) company boundaries...and the reason why.
So I got an email newsletter from Doxa to an email address they couldn't possibly have. I pursued them and had no response. I then pinged WUS who also has that address for my account and asked if they had given out my account address. Moderator 'Brad' said it was unlikely there was any real issue because Doxa were great guys and WUS wouldn't do such a thing. I pointed out to hm it was an issue because it was a potential breach of the law. I suggested I was being stone-walled I asked to be put through to Verticalscope.

Thats when stuff happened. Brad pinged Doxa (i know because Rick Marei responded to me by mistake when Brad forwarded them my email). Verticalscope responded saying I was correct to be concerned as it was a breach of data privacy laws if my details were shared with any third party without a legal warrant (which put Brad back in his box). The most interesting thing was Doxa's reply. They admitted having sourced my address via a Paypal transaction I had with Isofrane a few years back. But that it was legal because they own Isofrane.
There it is people. They owned up to being the same company because they want to be able to legally access each company's customer database for cross-marketing purposes.

Like I have said all along...these guys are the same company. The Synchron investor group runs Doxa, Isofrane, Jenny and Aquadive. It's all the same...and it only needed the threat of a legal problem to get them to admit it 🙂

The other interesting thing was how different the outcome of this was now Vericalscope runs WUS. The same issue got me banned from WUS by Ernie Romers last time I brought up Synchron's shady conduct. This time the cockroaches had to scurry back to their corners under Verticalscopes torchlight.


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