The Sinn EZM1, The First Mission Timer

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The Sinn EZM1, The First Mission Timer

Post by koimaster » November 9th 2022, 12:48pm

Sinn’s EZM series of watches are each built around a singular concept to benefit their somewhat niche use cases. They are, quite literally, mission timers by name, at least that’s what I’m told “Einsatzzeitmesser” (the word from which we get EZM) practically translates to in english. The EZM4 was built with the medical professional in mind, and the EZM7 for firefighters, to name some examples. This has led to some rather unique dial and case designs within the EZM range, which we’ve explored before here, and here. This concept began with the EZM1 in the late ‘90s. ... ion-timer/


“Your heart was warm and happy

With the lilt of Irish laughter

Every day and in every way

Now forever and ever after."
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