Dievas - confused

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Dievas - confused

Post by Watch Noob - Banned » April 21st 2011, 1:36pm

So I'm surfing around FaceBook and I do a search on Dievas. I find the FB Page here: http://www.facebook.com/DievasWatchCompany

I click on a link to their pictures of the new Vortex Launch Party here: http://www.facebook.com/DievasWatchCompany#!/media/set/fbx/?set=a.220459504635730.68988.182915551723459

I'm wondering why everyone looks Asian when the watch is made in Germany or so it states on the dial, and I see their Contact info on their Website here: http://www.dievaswatches.com/index-7.html

So tell me, (besides me doing no homework on this company prior to my purchase of the Vortex, thinking it's German made). Why would you have a German name, Made in Germany on your Dial, but yet your main Distributor is located in Singapore?

I really need to study up on a company more and quit making assumptions.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by koimaster » April 21st 2011, 1:52pm

Largest market for Swiss or German watches is Asia, hands down.


judging from the above blurb, they may well now be an Asian watch company.
Last edited by Anonymous on April 21st 2011, 1:56pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by koimaster » April 21st 2011, 1:59pm



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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Watch Noob » April 21st 2011, 2:11pm

I'm about ready to sell most of my watches and buy a fuckin Kobold Phantom that I know is made in the USA. :ouch:
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by koimaster » April 21st 2011, 2:42pm

Watch Noob wrote:
koimaster wrote:http://www.wristwatchreview.com/2008/06/19/dievas-watches-diverse-divers-watches/

They are in fact Asian made and an Asian company.

So is the Made in Germany label on my dial all Bullshit? Don't tell me this is another Invicta company.

no Idea.


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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by eddiea » April 21st 2011, 3:11pm

Watch Noob wrote:
So tell me, (besides me doing no homework on this company prior to my purchase of the Vortex, thinking it's German made). Why would you have a German name, Made in Germany on your Dial, but yet your main Distributor is located in Singapore?
I really need to study up on a company more and quit making assumptions.

I believe Dievas is own by a guy (Anders Tan) who also owns Gnomon Watches , a multibrand dealer in Singapore, Dievas is a Singapore based watch Co, without a doubt....Dievas apears to be his "house micro-brand"...
Also believe, that he farm the work to Germany and so the Made in Germany label.
Last edited by Anonymous on April 21st 2011, 3:23pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Watch Noob » April 21st 2011, 3:22pm

Thanks for the input guys. I may have to make some phone calls or emails about this whole thing to get it straight.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by TVDinner » April 21st 2011, 3:36pm

I am confused. Who ever said this was a German (or Swiss) company? Is this just based on the name? They are pretty up front on their website where they are based. Also one of their main USA distributors Long Island Watch says in the first sentence of the information about the brand that it is from Singapore - http://www.longislandwatch.com/Dievas/About_Dievas_Watches.htm - I guess I never really thought they were Swiss or even German.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Watch Noob » April 21st 2011, 3:42pm

TVDinner wrote:I am confused. Who ever said this was a German (or Swiss) company? Is this just based on the name? They are pretty up front on their website where they are based. Also one of their main USA distributors Long Island Watch says in the first sentence of the information about the brand that it is from Singapore - http://www.longislandwatch.com/Dievas/About_Dievas_Watches.htm - I guess I never really thought they were Swiss or even German.

The name Dievas sure doesn't sound Asian to me. The fact that the dial on my Vortex says Made in Germany was another hint.

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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by eddiea » April 21st 2011, 4:07pm

Watch Noob wrote:
TVDinner wrote:I am confused. Who ever said this was a German (or Swiss) company? Is this just based on the name? They are pretty up front on their website where they are based. Also one of their main USA distributors Long Island Watch says in the first sentence of the information about the brand that it is from Singapore - http://www.longislandwatch.com/Dievas/About_Dievas_Watches.htm - I guess I never really thought they were Swiss or even German.

The name Dievas sure doesn't sound Asian to me. The fact that the dial on my Vortex says Made in Germany was another hint.

Indeed the Vortex clearly said Made in Germany on the dial, yet another model the Aqualuna is stated in their webside as Swiss Made, other models is unclear where are made...
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Guest » April 21st 2011, 4:29pm

DIEVAS is just selling a bunch of Panerai replicas.
I never understand some people, buying a 800$ DIEVAS when you can save alittle bit and buy a 3,000 a real used Panerai in WUS.

The owner of DIEVAS even change he's name to Anders to sound more European LoL now that's dedication. He's real name is Ching Chong.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Watch Noob » April 21st 2011, 4:40pm

Slowpo wrote:DIEVAS is just selling a bunch of Panerai replicas.
I never understand some people, buying a 800$ DIEVAS when you can save alittle bit and buy a 3,000 a real used Panerai in WUS.

The owner of DIEVAS even change he's name to Anders to sound more European LoL now that's dedication. He's real name is Ching Chong.

Ok, this is the first time I've questioned a post of yours I believe. WTF are you smoking tonight? Dievas models look nothing like Panerai with the exception of (1) the Vintage. Yes, just like MM everyone has to have a knock off and I'm not interested in the least. If I can't own a real Pan, I don't want one. As far as Mr. Anders name is concerned, I have no idea except to say that the name does not match the descent.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by OTMF » April 21st 2011, 5:02pm

Watch Noob wrote:As far as Mr. Anders name is concerned, I have no idea except to say that the name does not match the descent.

FYI: Ching chong is an ethnic slur for people of Chinese ancestry.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Guest » April 21st 2011, 5:27pm

I'm not Racist but fuck china. The vintage model of DIEVAS is the best selling model. The other models are just dummies. So yeah DIEVAS Yao Ming aka Anders is getting rich selling fake Panerai.
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Post by anonymous-10 » April 22nd 2011, 2:49am

Slowpo wrote:Oh god LOL. Sometimes I laugh reading my own posts

Somebody has to.
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by WatchDorks.Net » April 22nd 2011, 3:05am

Hmm... and here all this time I thought that "German Design", "German Engineering", and "Made in Germany" on a watch dial was Latin for "Assembled in Hong Kong."

Who knew...
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Re: Dievas - confused

Post by Hawk » April 22nd 2011, 5:01am

I'm not Racist but fuck china.

...was Latin for "Assembled in Hong Kong."

My charter as the resident picker of non-WIS nits compels me to note that:

1. If you're aiming a fuck at China, more specifically Hong Kong in the south, you'll miss Singapore by about 1,600 miles.

2. The Republic of Singapore is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. It is a parliamentary republic independent since 1959. Said independence was gained from Great Britain rather than China for whatever that may be worth.

It shares a hemisphere with China. Apart from that it's interchangeable with China in roughly the same manner that Venezuela is indistinguishable from the U.S., or Japan is the same as North Korea. It's my understanding that the existing US/Singapore free trade agreement was put in place in no small part due to the fact that Singapore's intellectual property rights implementation is the polar opposite of mainland China's.

As far as my wild-assed guess of an opinion goes, I see no impediment to a Singaporean investor buying ETA movements and shipping to Germany for casing in a Fritter product by local labor. It's not like ETA doesn't share a border with Fritter - they could just toss a box on the local bus.

Dievas does not employ fever-dream MSRPs and retained value thus far looks pretty good. Their grandmother did not build pocket watches for Harold Macmillan to soften him up in a bid for independence. There are no widespread QC or CS horror stories. They use Superluminova for lume and sapphire for crystals on the Vortex - not Tritagibble or Flame Fusion or Krysterna or any other trademarked name based on the ancient Aramaic for "sounds better but works like crap". The case is titanium and their "micro blast" finish has not been reported as being as delicate as a rose petal.

That aside I'd still be POd if the German made marking was simply decoration. I'll be interested what you learn through further research.

But - if it's any small comfort, and it probably isn't: Singapore Ain't China.
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