It's that time of year at the AMCHPR...

Chinese watch Museum and travels to China
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It's that time of year at the AMCHPR...

Post by AlbertaTime » February 3rd 2025, 8:52am

It's a little chilly this morning. Probably have to wear a jacket.

The nice thing is: no Centigrade to Fahrenheit conversion needed--it's the same at -40°.

Curator: Alberta Museum of Chinese Horology in Peace River

"That stone buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets. I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind." Ikkyu
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Re: It's that time of year at the AMCHPR...

Post by AlbertaTime » February 3rd 2025, 4:39pm

Mark1 wrote:
February 3rd 2025, 1:05pm
You are a hardier soul than I. Temperatures like that made me leave the Bakken oilfields after one winter.
:-) Out in the oilfield is different. I doubt I'd stay at that up here, either.

But I live in a nice town, with central heating LOL
Curator: Alberta Museum of Chinese Horology in Peace River

"That stone buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets. I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind." Ikkyu
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Re: It's that time of year at the AMCHPR...

Post by AlbertaTime » February 3rd 2025, 8:10pm

Well, the hard part is probably over, at least for now.

The weather forecasters figure it won't get any colder than -39° overnight Image
Curator: Alberta Museum of Chinese Horology in Peace River

"That stone buddha deserves all the birdshit it gets. I wave my skinny arms like a tall flower in the wind." Ikkyu
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