Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Watches marketed & sold by Invicta Watch Group
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by DBCooper » August 4th 2014, 6:25pm

This goober is worried about the looks of his new strap. :perfect:


After all, no ham-wristed louts complained when all watches were 34mm - no cries of "looks like a little girl's watch on my wrist!" Like King Canute on the beach, that's where I draw the line - come what may.

Falstaff, May 19, 2014.
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Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » August 4th 2014, 6:26pm

Hey, Fats, what was his sig line, anyhow...? Surely a guy with a doxy puppy for his avatar isn't gonna have the grim reepur or some such thang... :mrgreen:
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by Horse Feathers » August 4th 2014, 6:34pm

DBCooper wrote:This goober is worried about the looks of his new strap. :perfect:



That's the watch he wants to be buried in and by the looks of things that should be right around the corner.

I've seen kindling with more muscle tone.

If this guy was a millionaire and Anna Nicole Smith was alive she would refuse to shake his hand.
Last edited by Horse Feathers on August 4th 2014, 6:44pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by fatman » August 4th 2014, 6:44pm

Horse Feathers wrote:
DBCooper wrote:This goober is worried about the looks of his new strap. :perfect:



That's the watch he wants to be buried in and by the looks of things that should be right around the corner.

I've seen kindling with more muscle tone.

Does my tymepeece make my rist look fat?
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by Tzimisces » August 4th 2014, 7:07pm

Check out the "2 week review" of the mighty Hydro MAX.

It's a dive watch, but the weight inhibits swimming, so it's a "dry land statement" dive watch. Still, it SHOULD be used in water!

The signed crown (with the invicter reserve logo) is already wearing off. Don't worry, hydromax owners, it will look better once it wears off completely. So that's a net plus.

He's disappointed that invicter has recently moved towards cost-cutting, and it shows with the shitty lume, (our reviewer doubts superluminova), folded end links, crown logo rubbing off.....but it STILL exudes a lot of quality.
http://watch-in-time.boards.net/thread/ ... eek-update

Oh, and his dentist was "impressed".
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by biglove » August 5th 2014, 7:33am

DBCooper wrote:This goober is worried about the looks of his new strap. :perfect:



Guys like that one just are beyond hope.

My wife laughs every time I show her a pic of a Hydromaxmaxmaxmaxmaxmax.

Anyone with any degree of common sense or even rudimentary tastes would toss that POS in the garbage!
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by TemerityB » August 5th 2014, 11:10am

DBCooper wrote:This goober is worried about the looks of his new strap. :perfect:



I actually thought the text as as funny as the photo. Verbatim: "Took pics at Night. Maybe have to re-asses during DayLight."
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by koimaster » August 5th 2014, 11:29am

Well, at least some of them are consistent. Others as some have mentioned are learning how to type words that have been suppressed for a period of time. Words like Invicta sucks. As a new forum with newly freed members, the development of the mind set might be interesting but to me that is the limit of my interest in any of them.

Too many dead kois, comments about my wife, trolls and thugs for me to have much interest in them. I am not a watchgeek and since they are a dead forum anyway, fuck them all.


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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » August 5th 2014, 12:13pm

Perhaps it's just a little thing, something I'm being waaayyy tooo picky about, but I made the mistake of looking into his other threads about this Hydromeh, and this review dude needs to make sure that all that dirt under his overlong thumbnail gets cleaned out before he starts snappin' pho-toes...and the poor guy with the giant plastic python strap needs to stop washing his hands in Clorox before his remaining skin begins to bubble and steam...

...on the whole, a completely disgusting watch, with a disgustingly oozy review, and some pretty disgusting responses from the site's disgusting neandercrew. Ooops...ther eye go, bein uh haytur agin...eye'm sory, eye woan dew it ugin. Butt cummawn, mane, treeyum yore fangernayulls afore yew tayk'em pixshures -- laws yes...M-O-O-N, that spells D-scustin'... :P
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by koimaster » August 5th 2014, 12:18pm

If you enjoy being at the other new forum please enjoy it. That is what forums of any type are about. But in a PM I just received, someone suggested I leave them members at WG lite behind.


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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by hcharles » August 5th 2014, 1:07pm

The Hydromutt, a watch that proves a fool and his money are soon parted. Gawd WTF.
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by TemerityB » August 5th 2014, 7:30pm

Wow, koi, that was quite the jog down memory lane. Nearly forgot about a lot of that stuff.

I think you make a more than valid point, and I agree you shouldn't even attempt to forgive those mokes. And, from a different perspective and standpoint...I mean, watching a bunch of mental midgets jerking off over their HydroMax or whatever the fuck it is? Not worth hanging around, and there is gobs of that sort of thing going on there.

Oh, and while we're at it? Try to find an "unbelievable statement" that is "false" here:


Or maybe you can contrast that with this classic can o' fluff:


You guys are right ... I'm getting too soft. Here's how I'm feeling right now after reading those posts.

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Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » August 5th 2014, 8:02pm

Yeah, I would find that hard to do, too, especially after a two-year wait for those jamokes to grab a phone and call me. Bahoomba's post had class written all over it, which is why MD probably took so long to get through it and ban him. Mikey had to stop and look up a lot of words there, and he uses neither online nor built-in software dictionaries; he's still got the old Mirriam-Webster Dic his dad threw at him (and missed with) back in 1967. He calls it "My lucky dic(k), an ironic name if ever there was one... :?
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by Mark1 » August 6th 2014, 1:26am

As I said before, better there than here. As for buzzard, he could be a WatchLord-if not already. If members there are allowed to continue speaking freely, the true believers will end up ostracized entirely, and that's a good thing. Any forum that shows up in Google searches of Invictimz is part of the answer rather than the problem.
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Re: Home for Displaced watchgeeks

Post by svaglic » August 6th 2014, 7:03am

Good God, look what this guy is spending his money on. He is going to hang them in his apartment.


He went back and got more, he couldn't help it with such a good sale going on.
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