conjurer wrote:biglove wrote:Sweet, Jeebus!
No Tudor love out there?
Alas, Loafington, trades of a watch of this quality are probably pretty rare. I'd go with a straight sale, if not here then at WUS. It'd probably be less of a headache. Just my two cents.
I ran it for a few days at WUS then on eBay. Even on eBay the WIT sorts kept sending lowball offers and were full of butthurt. Actually blocked four of the assclowns from even bidding on eBay due to their stupidity. Wasn't any better at WUS. Will either keep it until a worthy trade comes up or sell it through consignment with my jeweler.
eBay outtake...
"I can pay you 1900 using pay-pal. If you want to sell today... Thanks!!!"
"Well, couldn't you give me a break if I paid you directly through pay-pal for 2100 saving you the 235.00 fee on ebay?"
These were just two of the six lowball offers he emailed me.
My response, "Not even if my kids were starving...Since you have made low-ball offers, have repeatedly attempted to purchase this watch outside of eBay, no, I won't call you.
And as a precaution, I have blocked you from ever bidding on anything I sell. Sorry, but the eBay rules are here for a reason. Good day..."The dickhead's response, excuse the lack of punctuation, spelling and sentence structure, "Please don't email me anymore! You said what you had to say. But you are not talking to the help sir, I made you an offer you declined, should have been the end of it! They didn't make that watch sir and stop making them. You are a very sad man that start conflict with people you don't no! You didn't have to send me these emails if you felt that way you should have just block me and let that be the end of it. Your heart is filled with so much hate that I'm glad i didn't buy the watch because coming from you it has to have bad energy tide to it! I want stoop down to your level because you can never see me in this life nor the next. Find yourself a toy to play with BOY and don't you ever address me in such a matter again!!!!
Then this turdsucker... Nando from WIT, "Haven't you been trying to sell this watch before? I seen it some time in the past. Whats the best price you can let this one go for?"
These are just a couple of examples of the eBay attempt.
My best friend from college shared his secret to his huge financial success, "I fell out of the right vagina."
"We should just sanction stupidity as our national pastime and be done with it."-TemerityB, Loser like me