Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

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Re: Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

Post by timex » February 22nd 2013, 11:23am

koimaster wrote:
great photo! Is that a Diesel? I know the chinese still use them and some of our sub hunters no longer have sniffers on them.

That photo is from an SpaceSavers commercial, but I was on 2 different ships, when we had to come to an ALL STOP, and let the Biologicals-(Whales) Have their way with us.


I tried to link the vid, but I'm still a NUB for 6 more days.

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Re: Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

Post by Falstaff » February 22nd 2013, 11:42am

koimaster wrote:

On a side note, I am old enough to remember when the Thresher went down on her maiden voyage and the attempts at salvage. Scorpion too. Never liked subs except when they were toys for kids.

Jeebus koi, don't give 'em any ideas. Undoubtedly the Invicta yellow submarine will be the location of the next on-site Invicta Sales Extravaganza and Fish Sammich Jamboree. I can already see Eeyore with his Captain's hat, "Invicta Ryan" batting his eyes in a cute lil' sailor suit and Jill as "Cellulita the Friendly Watch Whale".
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Re: Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

Post by codguy » February 22nd 2013, 12:10pm

timex wrote:
foghorn wrote:Welcome.
Who is edison? Don't see him on any members list.

I eat with my pecker.

My bad, my buddy invites me here, but forgets to tell me, he's hiding in the closet since joining.



So edison still hasn't come out of the closet afterall

Thought members that do not participate are nixed????


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Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » March 8th 2013, 5:19pm

Welcome, Tim...this old SLUFF Driver, Golden Shellback and big, grey Winnebago passenger, is very glad to have you aboard - there's a lot of USAF guys here, so when you dive, dive deep, Shipmate!! Image
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Re: Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

Post by koimaster » June 13th 2021, 2:15pm

DoctorIvey wrote:
June 13th 2021, 1:53pm
I vaguely remember that Morteuus guy. Wasn’t he a Sluff driver? I seem to remember that he once made some vague reference to being in the service. Navy, wasn’t it?
I assume you are being sarcastic :mrgreen:



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Re: Hello, my name is Tim, and I'm a wis-aholic.

Post by DoctorIvey » June 13th 2021, 6:10pm

Quiet guy? Kind of self-effacing, lacking in any sort of pretense, didn't like to talk about himsluff. Do I have the right chap?
Seriously, I admit I did take him at face value, because (I stupidly assumed) who lies about that? But in my mind's eye, some guy holds the door for him on the way into Popeye's and he says "This old Sluff driver thanks you, sir. Or would, if he didn't get his vocal chords blown up during the 9/11 attack of the pentagon..." Or something like that. Point is, he managed to work it into every sentence.
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