My name is Don, and I'm a retired USN officer with 26 years active duty service. I drove SLUFF D's & E's then Hornet E's. Then wound up under a slab of cement in the Pentagon on 9/11. 17 surgeries over a 28-month period. Re-learned how to walk and the same time, even. Now I fly dead people around in GS-550-H's (and soon in GS-650's). Oh, and I'm dead...[you get a provisional welcome because we just don;t do ass-grabbing in these parts...]
I've always loved watches, especially divers, but didn't start seriously collecting until a few years ago. I got caught up in the TV brand routine for a while, but moved on when the watches and their sellers all started looking and sounding alike. It was truly frustrating, trying to learn the difference between the genuine item and the cookie-cutter crap I'd been buying. Finding Watchlords was a huge, very positive step in my watch education process, and I've also gotten a lot of enjoyment from reading the often lively, never dull posts and discussion threads along the way.
I've also come to rely on WL as a key resource when researching prospective additions to my modest-but-growing watch collection. In so-doing, I've been introduced to some amazing--yet truly affordable--brands here that I have come to genuinely appreciate and enjoy. My latest acquisitions: an Orient Mako (on rubber), a Bulova Marine Star and a very spiff Movado 800 Series diver that I'd like to take a stab at reviewing here in the not-too-distant future. I've also got my eye on a couple of Seiko monsters; when the toughest decision you have to make is what dial color you'd like, you're in a very good place, IMHO.
Bottom line: I've registered as a member in the hope that I can eventually make a positive contribution as my own level of knowledge continues to improve. However, before signing up for membership, I read and reread Darksider's excellent advice to new members, and have taken it to heart. Hence, I'll be laying low and continuing to get the lay of the land for a while before posting again.
I guess that about does it for now. Many thanks for taking the time to give my first post a look; I hope it wasn't too long-- or, worse still, too boring--it just plain sux like an Electrolux when that happens...
Best regards,
Escondido, CA