From San Diego, California

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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by Mark1 » June 11th 2011, 6:26pm

Welcome to WatchLords. If you are still a member at WGs using the same userID you'll likely be banned there for registering here. There is much more to this forum than bashing anything Invicta related. Thats why many members here (myself included) cringe when we are presented with each new members bonafides. Preaching to the choir when a simple hello will do.
See you're WRONG I don't work at all, I'm a Democrat. The immortal Horse Feathers as spoken to Chucky Ninetoes.
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by ChronoMATT » June 11th 2011, 6:53pm

Thanks, Mark. A man of reason. Despite issues my with Invicta, I can look to a watch box of mine containing a couple truly nice pieces of theirs. I appreciate the heads-up on using my screen name, too. It's a chance I will take for I don't care to hide myself. I just ran into this forum last night and recognized a couple guys I respect that are members / owners and wanted to hop in. I had no idea what to expect, but believe me, I applaud TRUE free speech. I witnessed the three ex-owners of WGs bailing from an established forum to form a new one because of perceived speech repression. Now, look at them.

I don't take any of this seriously. It's not the cure for's all about something you slap on your wrist and if you're lucky, has the V7750 wobble.

Mark1 wrote:Welcome to WatchLords. If you are still a member at WGs using the same userID you'll likely be banned there for registering here. There is much more to this forum than bashing anything Invicta related. Thats why many members here (myself included) cringe when we are presented with each new members bonafides. Preaching to the choir when a simple hello will do.
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by Guest » June 11th 2011, 7:22pm

ChronoMATT wrote:Easy, asshole.

I already addressed the use of the word "forefront" and the reason I'm here (due to the wise musings from the Better Skills blog) in an earlier post. Maybe you can take some time out to pull your eyes from your ass and stick them back in your sockets so you can read. Gents like Koi and Foghorn remember me from forums that existed well before WatchGeeks was a twinkle in Jim's sagging left nut.

Also, I didn't pussy-out by registering here anonymously. My screen name is the same one I have used for years on every forum I've been part of -- including WG.

So, I appreciate the warm welcome and you can now warmly fuck off.

Ain't free speech grand?

Slowpo wrote:
I was on the forefront
Easy Rambo, the only reason you're here is Becouse watchgeeks is down.

Don't get butthurt shitbird, nobody here knows you, so stop pretending like you are someone in the watch forums. And btw I would love to put you in a tiny stinky room with no doors and no windows. You will be able to breath, and i'll send shitty tasting food every 2 days so you can just survive. But the food will be poison so you get diarrhea. You will stay in that room for several months, and eventually, the diarrhea will fill up the room, and you will drown!!
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by ChronoMATT » June 11th 2011, 8:23pm

I think I'm gonna like you.

Slowpo wrote:
ChronoMATT wrote:Easy, asshole.

I already addressed the use of the word "forefront" and the reason I'm here (due to the wise musings from the Better Skills blog) in an earlier post. Maybe you can take some time out to pull your eyes from your ass and stick them back in your sockets so you can read. Gents like Koi and Foghorn remember me from forums that existed well before WatchGeeks was a twinkle in Jim's sagging left nut.

Also, I didn't pussy-out by registering here anonymously. My screen name is the same one I have used for years on every forum I've been part of -- including WG.

So, I appreciate the warm welcome and you can now warmly fuck off.

Ain't free speech grand?

Slowpo wrote:
I was on the forefront
Easy Rambo, the only reason you're here is Becouse watchgeeks is down.

Don't get butthurt shitbird, nobody here knows you, so stop pretending like you are someone in the watch forums. And btw I would love to put you in a tiny stinky room with no doors and no windows. You will be able to breath, and i'll send shitty tasting food every 2 days so you can just survive. But the food will be poison so you get diarrhea. You will stay in that room for several months, and eventually, the diarrhea will fill up the room, and you will drown!!
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by Aqua Homer » June 11th 2011, 8:29pm

This is one ghey ass thread. Who cares how long you've been around, you are new here now aren't you? You are suspect because you took so much time to decry Watchgeeks yet claim you just found this place. Yes, I recognize you from a ways back, but that doesn't really mean anything here.
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Post by anonymous-10 » June 12th 2011, 8:25am

One of the best features here is the ignore feature.
Life gets better when you don't have to read certain posts by bothersome individuals whose relenlessly idiotic posts can ruin your day. It has made me a happier camper.
If only it worked when the offending post is quoted also.
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by abduksion » June 12th 2011, 4:45pm

TLI GUY wrote:
Whocares wrote:Welcome, That Joe guy is probably one of the very few people I respect on there.

I "believe" I saw where Joe has over 1500 watches in his collection.
Think about that for a second,,,,,say @ $150 a pop,,,,conservatively.

I read something about that too, When I was on there. But I've never seen pics???
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by ChronoMATT » June 17th 2011, 3:35pm

Just got banned from WG today. As stated here before, it's obvious they have lurking spies. I don't believe my commenting here is against their TOS, so the banning is due to insecurity.

I only visited their "Hot Deals" Forum anyway -- where there are some hard working gents. Oh, and also spent hours and hours creating posts for their Vintage Watch section. You're welcome WatchGeeks.

Funny, the Fantastic 3 ran from BDWF for perceived repressed speech. Now look what they have become. Someone greater than I once said, "You become what you hate."

EDIT: I just remembered something interesting: When I first joined WGs, I got a private message from a BDWF owner/mod who was lurking within WG. He suggested that if I wasn't happy at BDWF, I should leave his forum. He never BANNED me, though.

Here is the message I got when logging in. Goodbye!
Last edited by Anonymous on June 17th 2011, 5:56pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by Seattle » June 17th 2011, 4:29pm

Goodbyes can be so hard......fuck'em.

ChronoMATT wrote:Just got banned from WG today. As stated here before, it's obvious they have lurking spies. I don't believe my commenting here is against their TOS, so the banning is due to insecurity.

I only visited their "Hot Deals" Forum anyway -- where there are some hard working gents. Oh, and also spent hours and hours creating posts for their Vintage Watch section. You're welcome WatchGeeks.

Funny, the Fantastic 3 ran from BDWF for perceived repressed speech. Now look what they have become. Someone greater than I once said, "You become what you hate."

Here is the message I got when logging in. Goodbye!
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Post by anonymous-10 » June 17th 2011, 4:33pm


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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by Singerjohn » June 17th 2011, 5:11pm

As all the noobs greet him, the non-noobs slap him. I love it. Your first day and you are already insulting, and being arrogant. You just may fit in here.....just may. By the visit the "Hot Deals" forum to buy Invictas, right? Dont BS us.

Anyway....welcome...and dont be a shitbird.
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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by koimaster » February 25th 2013, 11:29am

I bumped this post to show the newly banned WG members that even a WIS who was well respected at WG could be banned.


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With the lilt of Irish laughter

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Re: From San Diego, California

Post by koimaster » February 25th 2013, 11:38am

ChronoMATT wrote:Got it. Thanks, Koi. I like the new futzing around with the forum look, by the way.

koimaster wrote:I bumped this post to show the newly banned WG members that even a WIS who was well respected at WG could be banned.

Thanks but I think some of the members are a bit dizzy from the changes and some are just not used to them. Last night was interesting. So bad that I had to reset the forum and locked myself out of it. Change is good but nothing too drastic yet. I was thinking of a soft eggshell blue with dark blue and white highlights.......


“Your heart was warm and happy

With the lilt of Irish laughter

Every day and in every way

Now forever and ever after."
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