A list of the Micro Brands

Micro-Brands discussed here
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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by koimaster » August 25th 2010, 1:03pm

Richt2k wrote:Found this interesting compilation list of the Micro brands watch companies. It lists the founders as well as their Countries of origin and website/contact info. I had no idea there were so many, enjoy.


thank you. I will make the list a sticky


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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by koimaster » June 22nd 2013, 7:52pm

Ægir Instruments
Country of Origin: Australia
Founder: Todd Caldwell
Website: www.aegirinstruments.com/index.aspx
Contact: [email protected]

Artego Watch Co.
Country of Origin:
Website: wwwartegowatches.com/
Contact: [email protected]

Bali Ha'i Project[/color]
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Chris Cihon
Website: www.balihaiproject.com
Contact: [email protected]

Bathys Hawai Watch Co.
Country of Origin: US
Founder: John Patterson
Website: www.bathyswatch.com
Contact: [email protected]

Benarus Taucheruhren & Raven Watches
Country of Origin: Germany/US
Founder: Ralph Schreiner
Website For Benarus : www.benarus.com
Website For Raven: www.ravenwatches.com
Europe Contact: Ralph Schreiner - [email protected]
US Contact: Steve Laughlin - [email protected]

Boschett Timepieces
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Keith Boschetti
Website: www.boschett-timepieces.com/
Contact: [email protected]

Country of Origin: Germany
Founder: Konrad Damasko
Website: www.damasko.de
Contact: [email protected]

Deep Blue Watches
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Stan Betesh
Watch Website: www.deepbluewatches.com
Strap Website: www.panatime.com
Contact: [email protected]

Country of Origin: Germany
Founder: Anders Tan
Website: www.dievaswatches.com/
To Purchase Visit: www.gnomonwatches.com
Country of Origin: Singapore
Contact: [email protected]

Country of Origin: US
Founder: Alon Behar
Website: www.dwatch.net
Contact: [email protected]

H2O Watch
Country of Origin: Germany
Website: www.h2o-watch.com
Contact: [email protected]

Halios Watches
Country of Origin: Canada
Founder: Jason Lim
Website: www.halioswatches.com
Contact: [email protected]

Helson Watch Co.
Country of Origin: Hong Kong
Founder: Peter Helson
Website: www.helson-watch.com
Contact: [email protected]

Hexa Watches
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Rocky Santa Cruz and Vic Donati
Website: www.hexawatches.com
[Contact:[/b] View website and select Contact

Industrial North Design
Country of Origin: Great Britain
Founder: Robert Silkstone & Andrew Stone
Website: www.industrialnorth.co.uk
Contact Rob: [email protected]
Contact Andy: [email protected]

Irreantum Watch Company (dead and buried now)
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Matt & Courtney Wilson
Website: www.irreantumwatch.com
Contact: Visit website and select "Contact"

Kazimon Horolges
Country of Origin: Germany
Founder: Kazim Kenzo
Website: www.kazimon.com
Contact: [email protected]

Korsbek Watch Co.
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Poul Poulsen
Website: www.korsbek.com
Contact: [email protected]

Kremke Watch Co.
Country of Origin: Australia
Founder: Ian Kremke
Website: www.kremkewatches.com
Contact: [email protected]

Lüm-Tec MDV Technology
Parent Company: Weigand Custom watch, LLC.
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Chris Weigand
Website: www.lum-tec.com
Parent Company Website: www.weigandwatches.net

Magrette Timepieces
Country of Origin: New Zealand
Founder: Dian Wynyard McAsey
Website: www.magrette.com
Contact: [email protected] /index.php

Maranez Watches
Country of Origin: Thailand
Website: www.maranez.com
Contact: [email protected]

MKII Watches
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Bill Yao
Website: www.mkiiwatches.com
Contact: [email protected]

moVas Watches
Country of Origin: Singapore
Founder: Sean Wai
Website: www.movaswatches.com
Email: [email protected]
Skype: movas
MSN: [email protected]

Country of Origin: US
Founder: George Fox
Website: www.nfwonline.com
Contact: [email protected]

Ocean7/AirNautic Watch Co.
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Mitch Feig
Ocean7 Website: www.ocean7watchco.com
AirNautic Website: www.airnauticwatchco.com
Contact: Visit website and select "Contact Us"

OWC Watch Company fka Orange Watch Co.
Country of Origin: Australia
Founder: Dan
Website: www.orangewatchcompany.com
Contact Centers:
Europe - Finland: [email protected]
North America - USA: [email protected]
Rest of the World: [email protected]

Prometheus Watch Company
Country of Origin: Portugal
Managing Director: Carlos Carvalho
Website: www.prometheuswatch.com
Contact: [email protected]

RedSea Watches
Country of origin: USA
Founder: Josh and Troy
Website: redseawatches.com/
Contact: Visit website and click on "Customer Service"

Resco Instruments
Country of Origin: US
Founder: R.E. Smith
Website: www.rescowatch.com
Contact: Visit website and select "Contact Us"

Rogue Warrior Watch Co.
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Mike Gee
Website: www.roguewarriorwatches.com
Contact: [email protected]

SAS Watch Co.
Country of Origin: Ireland
Founder: Graeme Haughton
Website: www.saswatchco.com
Contact: Visit website and select "Contact Us."
Note: First watch to be launched sometime in 2010.

Serket Watch Co. (Dead since 2012, sold some on ebay)
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Bob Conrad Black
Website: www.serketwatchcompany.com
Contact: [email protected]

Sonic Watches
Country of Origin: Germany
Founder: Peter Schall
Website: www.sonic-watches.com/
Contact: [email protected]

Country of Origin: Germany
Founder: Günther Steinhart
Website: www.steinhartwatches.de/
Contact: [email protected]

STØLÄS Watch Company (dead, owner ripped people off for thousands. Now some kind of outdoor adventure guy. Fucking tool)
Country of Origin: USA
Founder: Curtis Stolaas
Website: www.stolaswatch.co/watch/home.html
Contact: [email protected]

TWCO Watches
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Founder: Robbert Suurland
Website: www.twcowatches.com
Contact: [email protected]

Unity Watches
Country of Origin: Spain
Founder: Eduardo Peres
Website: www.unitywatches.com
[Contact:[/b] [email protected]

UTS Watches
Country of Origin: Germany
Founder: Nicolaus Spinner
Website: www.utswatches.com
Contact: Visit website and select "Contact"

Wilson Watch Works
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Chris Wilson
Website: www.wilsonwatchworks.com
Contact: [email protected]

Zenton Watches
Country of Origin:
Website: www.zentonwatches.com/
Contact: [email protected]

Zixen fka Zinex Watch Co.
Country of Origin: US
Founder: Joe Sadri
Current Website: www.zinexwatch.com
Future Website: zixenwatch.com
Current Contact: [email protected]
Future Contact: [email protected]

Halbard Rioga
Country of Origin: UK/Russia
Managing Director: Denis A. Struchaev
Website: www.halbard-rioga.com/
Contact: [email protected]

UNIQ ltd. (another tool in the industry/ Anyone remember when he threatened the forum with legal action because he did not like our honest reviews of his POS watches?)

Tbilisi, Georgia
Zviad Tsikolia



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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by koimaster » April 25th 2014, 3:12pm

1. http://www.32degreeswatches.com
2. http://www.ias-watches.com
3. http://www.ansteadwatches.com
4. http://www.aquadive.com
5. http://www.archimede-watches.com
6. http://www.armidawatches.com
7. http://www.auguststeiner.com
8. http://www.bathyshawaii.com
9. http://www.benaruswatches.com
10. http://www.bernhardtwatch.com
11. http://www.bozemanwatch.com
12. http://www.christopherward.co.uk
13. http://www.ebay.com
14. http://www.constantin-weisz.de
15. http://www.crepaswatches.com
16. http://www.10watches.com
17. http://www.deepbluewatches.com
18. http://www.dievaswatches.com
19. http://www.eichmueller.de
20. http://www.everestwatchworks.com
21. http://www.fromanteel.nl
22. http://www.gerlach.org.pl
23. http://www.www.h2o-watch.com
24. http://www.hagerwatches.com
25. http://www.halioswatches.com
26. http://www.helson-watches.com
27. http://www.hexawatches.com
28. http://www.irreantumwatch.com
29. http://www.jochenbenzinger.de
30. http://www.jswatch.com
31. http://www.kadloo.com
32. http://www.voutilainen.ch
33. http://www.koboldwatch.com
34. http://www.korsbek.com
35. http://www.longiowatch.com
36. http://www.lum-tec.com
37. http://www.magrette.com
38. http://www.marathonwatch.com
39. http://www.marcelloc-watches.com
40. http://www.mkiiwatches.com
41. http://www.momentumwatch.com
42. http://www.montanawatch.com
43. http://www.specialopswatch.com
44. http://www.nauticfish.com
45. http://www.ocean7watchco.com
46. http://www.olivierwatches.com
47. http://www.ebay.com
48. http://www.orangewatchcompany.com
49. http://www.ebay.com
50. http://www.padronwatchco.com
51. http://www.ebay.com
52. http://www.pita.es
53. http://www.poseidonwatches.se
54. http://www.prometheuswatch.com
55. http://www.ravenwatches.com
56. http://www.rescoinstruments.com
57. http://www.ebay.com
58. http://www.saswatchco.com
59. http://www.schaumburgwatch.com
60. http://www.shinola.com
61. http://www.sottomarinowatches.com
62. http://www.squale.ch
63. http://www.steinhartwatches.de
64. http://www.stolaswatch.co
65. http://www.stuhrling.com
66. http://www.tacticowatches.com
67. http://www.tauchmeisterwatches.com
68. http://www.technewatches.com
69. http://www.tiburonwatch.com
70. http://www.timefactors.com
71. http://www.tourbywatches.com
72. http://www.trias-watch.com
73. http://www.ebay.com
74. http://www.www.trintec.com
75. http://www.uhr-kraft.com
76. http://www.utswatches.com
77. http://www.wilsonwatchworks.com
78. http://www.xemex.com
79. http://www.xetum.com
80. http://www.xezo.com
81. http://www.xicorr.com
82. http://www.yobokies.com
83. http://www.zentonwatches.com
84. http://www.pointtec.de
85. http://www.zixenwatch.com


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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by Hawk » May 11th 2018, 12:53pm

No point.

Now that anyone occupying their mom's basement can be his own brand(s) it'd be like cataloging the world's population which is adding new folks at around 215,000 per day or more.

Not that I'm suggesting that microbrands are multiplying like humans - it merely seems that way to me.
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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by koimaster » April 25th 2019, 3:53pm

1291 http://www.1291watches.ch
6B Watches (GasGasBones) http://www.6bwatches.com
Aegir http://www.aegirinstruments.com
Aevig http://www.aevig.com
Aevum http://www.aevumtime.ca
Amir http://www.amirwatches.com
Angelo Del Mare http://www.angelodelmare.com
Aramar http://www.aramar.nl/index.php
Armida http://www.armidawatches.com
Athaya Vintage http://www.athayavintage.com
Augustin Matei http://www.augustinmatei.com
Autodromo http://www.autodromo.com
Autran & Viala http://www.autran-viala.com/en/home/
Ballast http://www.ballast1903.com
Bali Ha'i http://www.balihaiproject.com
Balticus http://www.balticus-watches.com
Bathys Hawaii http://www.bathyshawaii.com
Bauselle Watches http://www.bausele.com
Benarus http://www.stevral.com
Bernhardt http://www.bernhardtwatch.com
Blacklist http://www.blacklistwatches.com
Bob Wellson http://www.bobwellson.com
BOLDR http://www.boldrwatches.com
Boschett http://www.boschett-timepieces.com
Brew Watch Co. http://www.brew-watches.com
Celadon (Maison Celadon Watches) http://www.celadonwatches.com
CJR http://www.facebook.com/CalvinJrdesign/
Cobra de Calibre http://www.cobra-de-calibre.com
CreaWatch http://www.facebook.com/Creawatch/
Crepas http://www.crepaswatches.com
d.m.h. Dingemans Mechanische Horloges http://www.dingemansmechanischehorloges.nl
Dagaz Watch http://www.dagazwatch.com
Dan Henry Watch https://danhenrywatch.com/
Dedegumo http://www.dedegumo.jp
Defakto http://www.defakto-uhren.de
Detroit Watch Company http://www.detroitwatchco.com
Dievas http://www.dievaswatches.com
Division Furtive Watches http://www.division-furtive.com/en/
DuFrane Watches http://www.dufranewatches.com
Elliot Brown http://www.elliotbrownwatches.com
Eone http://www.eone-time.com
Erkahund Roland Kemmner http://www.ebay.com/usr/erkahund
Erroyl http://www.erroyl.com
Evolvens http://www.evolvens-watch.com
EXTatico http://www.extatico.com
Eza http://www.eza-watches.com
Ferro http://www.ferrowatches.com
Florijn http://www.en.florijnhorloges.nl
Formex http://www.formexwatch.com
Gavox http://www.gavox.com
Geckota http://www.geckota.com
Gerlach http://www.gerlach.org.pl
Gruman Watches http://www.grumanwatches.com
GSD Watches http://www.gregstevensdesign.com/gsd-watches.html
Gruppo Gamma http://www.gruppogammawatches.com
H2O http://www.h2o-watch.com
Hager http://www.hagerwatches.com
Haigh & Hastings http://www.haighandhastingswatches.com
Haldor http://www.haldorwatches.com
Halios http://www.halioswatches.com
Helgray http://www.helgray.com
Helm http://www.helmwatches.com
Helfer http://www.helferwatches.com
Helson http://www.helsonwatch.com
Hemel http://www.hemelwatches.com
Heroic 18 http://www.heroic18.com
Hexa http://www.hexawatches.com
Huckleberry & Co. http://www.huckleberryandco.com
Idea-Pixel http://www.facebook.com/ideapixelwatch/
Irreantum http://www.irreantumwatch.com
Isotope http://www.isotopewatches.com
Jaipur Watch Co. http://www.jaipurwatches.com
JS Iceland http://www.jswatch.com
Kazimon http://www.kazimon.com
Kaventsmann http://www.kaventsmann-uhren.de
Kemmner http://www.ebay.com/usr/erkahund
Klokers http://www.klockers.com/en/
Korsbek http://www.korsbek.com
Lachlann http://www.lachlannwatches.com
Lew & Huey http://www.janistrading.com
LIV http://www.livwatches.com
Lum-Tec http://www.lum-tec.com
Luno Watches http://www.lunowear.com
Marc & Sons http://www.marc-and-sons.com
Magrette http://www.magrette.com
Maison Celadon Watches http://www.celadonwatches.com
Makara Watches http://www.makarawatches.com
Maranez http://www.maranez.com
Marcello C http://www.marcelloc-watches.com
Manchester Watch Works http://www.manchesterwatchworks.com
Marloe Watch Co. http://www.marloewatchcompany.com
Melbourne Watch Co. http://www.melbournewatch.com.au
Mercer Watch Co http://www.mercerwatch.com
Meshable Watches http://www.meshablewatches.bigcartel.com
Miang Copenhagen http://www.miangcopenhagen.com
Minuteman http://www.minutemanwatches.com
Montres Une http://www.montres-une.com
MoVas http://www.movaswatches.com
Neonos http://www.neonos-watches.com
Neuhaus http://www.neuhaus.com
Nezumi Studios http://www.nezumistudios.com
NFW http://www.nfwonline.com
Niall http://www.nialluxury.com
Nite http://www.nitewatches.com/us/
NTH http://www.janistrading.com
Oak & Oscar http://www.oakandoscar.com
Ocean7 http://www.ocean7watchco.com
Orange Watch Company http://www.orangewatchcompany.com
Orbis Morgan http://www.obrismorgan.com
Padron Watch Company http://www.padronwatchco.com
Panzera http://www.panzera-style.com
Pegasus http://www.pegasuswatches.it
Pellikaan Timing http://www.pelikaantiming.com
Peren http://www.perenwatches.com
Praetorian http://www.praetorianwatches.com
Radius Watches http://www.facebook.com/radiuswatches/
Raven http://www.ravenwatches.com
Rebel Time http://www.rebeltime.com
REC Watches http://www.recwatches.com
Redux http://www.reduxwatch.com
Regia http://www.regia-timepieces.com
Resco http://www.rescoinstruments.com
Reverie http://www.reveriewatches.com
Richardt & Mejer http://www.richardmejer.dk
Ristola http://www.ristolawatches.com
River Watch Company http://www.riverwatchco.com
Sablier http://www.sablierwatches.com
SAS http://www.saswatchco.com
SaStek http://www.sastek-watches.myshopify.com
Schmutz Watches http://www.schmutzwatches.com
Scurfa http://www.scurfawatches.com
Seals http://www.seals-watches.com
Slow http://www.slow-watches.com
Stevral http://www.stevral.com
Stranger Watch Co. http://www.strangertime.com
Straton Watch Co. http://www.stratonwc.com
Stuckx http://www.stuckx.com
Szanto http://www.szantotime.com
Tactico http://www.tacticowatches.com
Tangramatic http://www.tangramatic.com.au
Tempest http://www.tempestwatches.com
Tire'd Watch Co http://www.tiredwatchcompany.com
Tisell http://www.tisellkr.com
TMF (TEMPORANEA MANIFATTURA FIORILLO) http://www.tmfwatches.com/en/
TNT http://www.torsten-nagengast.de
Todd & Marlon http://www.toddandmarlon.com
Tourby Watches http://www.tourbywatches.com
Trestle Watch Co. http://www.trestlewatch.com
Trintec http://www.trintec.com
TWCO http://www.twcowatches.com
Uhuru Watches http://www.uhuruwatches.com/wp/
Undone Watches http://www.undone.watch.com
Unimatic http://www.unimaticwatches.com
VDB http://www.vintage-vdb.com/en/
VEJRHØJ http://www.vejrhoj.com
Vertigo http://www.vertigowatches.com
Visitor Watch Co. http://www.visitorwatchco.com
Vortic http://www.vorticwatches.com
Vratislavia http://www.vratislavia-watches.com/en/
Watches By Nick http://www.watchesbynick.com
Weiss Watches http://www.weisswatchcompany.com
Wilk WatchWorks http://www.wilkwatchworks.com
Whytes Watches http://www.whyteswatches.com
Xam http://www.xamwatches.com
Xeric http://www.xeric.com
Xetem http://www.xetum.com
Xicor http://www.xicorr.com/en/
Zelos http://www.zelos.com
Zenton http://www.zentonwatches.com
Zinvo http://www.zinvowatches.com
Zixen http://www.zixenwatch.com
Zoretto http://www.zoretto.com


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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by koimaster » June 2nd 2022, 11:04am

Somewhat updated Microbrand Watch Company List:

1291 www.1291watches.ch
6B Watches (GasGasBones) www.6bwatches.com
Aegir www.aegirinstruments.com
Aevig www.aevig.com
Aevum www.aevumtime.ca
Amir www.amirwatches.com
Angelo Del Mare www.angelodelmare.com
Aramar www.aramar.nl/index.php
Armida www.armidawatches.com
Athaya Vintage www.athayavintage.com
Augustin Matei www.augustinmatei.com
Autodromo www.autodromo.com
Autran & Viala www.autran-viala.com/en/home/
Ballast www.ballast1903.com
Bali Ha'i www.balihaiproject.com
Balticus www.balticus-watches.com
Bathys Hawaii www.bathyshawaii.com
Bauselle Watches www.bausele.com
Benarus www.stevral.com
Bernhardt www.bernhardtwatch.com
Blacklist www.blacklistwatches.com
Bob Wellson www.bobwellson.com
BOLDR www.boldrwatches.com
Boschett www.boschett-timepieces.com
Brew Watch Co. www.brew-watches.com
Celadon (Maison Celadon Watches) www.celadonwatches.com
CJR www.facebook.com/CalvinJrdesign/
Cobra de Calibre www.cobra-de-calibre.com
CreaWatch www.facebook.com/Creawatch/
Crepas www.crepaswatches.com
d.m.h. Dingemans Mechanische Horloges www.dingemansmechanischehorloges.nl
Dagaz Watch www.dagazwatch.com
Dan Henry Watch https://danhenrywatch.com/
Dedegumo www.dedegumo.jp
Defakto www.defakto-uhren.de
Detroit Watch Company www.detroitwatchco.com
Dievas www.dievaswatches.com
Division Furtive Watches www.division-furtive.com/en/
DuFrane Watches www.dufranewatches.com
Elliot Brown www.elliotbrownwatches.com
Eone www.eone-time.com
Erkahund Roland Kemmner www.ebay.com/usr/erkahund
Erroyl www.erroyl.com
Evolvens www.evolvens-watch.com
EXTatico www.extatico.com
Eza www.eza-watches.com
Ferro www.ferrowatches.com
Florijn www.en.florijnhorloges.nl
Formex www.formexwatch.com
Gavox www.gavox.com
Geckota www.geckota.com
Gerlach www.gerlach.org.pl
Gruman Watches www.grumanwatches.com
GSD Watches www.gregstevensdesign.com/gsd-watches.html
Gruppo Gamma www.gruppogammawatches.com
H2O www.h2o-watch.com
Hager www.hagerwatches.com
Haigh & Hastings www.haighandhastingswatches.com
Haldor www.haldorwatches.com
Halios www.halioswatches.com
Helgray www.helgray.com
Helm www.helmwatches.com
Helfer www.helferwatches.com
Helson www.helsonwatch.com
Hemel www.hemelwatches.com
Heroic 18 www.heroic18.com
Hexa www.hexawatches.com
Huckleberry & Co. www.huckleberryandco.com
Idea-Pixel www.facebook.com/ideapixelwatch/
Irreantum www.irreantumwatch.com
Isotope www.isotopewatches.com
Jaipur Watch Co. www.jaipurwatches.com
JS Iceland www.jswatch.com
Kazimon www.kazimon.com
Kaventsmann www.kaventsmann-uhren.de
Kemmner www.ebay.com/usr/erkahund
Klokers www.klockers.com/en/
Korsbek www.korsbek.com
Lachlann www.lachlannwatches.com
Lew & Huey www.janistrading.com
LIV www.livwatches.com
Lum-Tec www.lum-tec.com
Luno Watches www.lunowear.com
Marc & Sons www.marc-and-sons.com
Magrette www.magrette.com
Maison Celadon Watches www.celadonwatches.com
Makara Watches www.makarawatches.com
Maranez www.maranez.com
Marcello C www.marcelloc-watches.com
Manchester Watch Works www.manchesterwatchworks.com
Marloe Watch Co. www.marloewatchcompany.com
Melbourne Watch Co. www.melbournewatch.com.au
Mercer Watch Co www.mercerwatch.com
Meshable Watches www.meshablewatches.bigcartel.com
Miang Copenhagen www.miangcopenhagen.com
Minuteman www.minutemanwatches.com
Montres Une www.montres-une.com
MoVas www.movaswatches.com
Neonos www.neonos-watches.com
Neuhaus www.neuhaus.com
Nezumi Studios www.nezumistudios.com
NFW www.nfwonline.com
Niall www.nialluxury.com
Nite www.nitewatches.com/us/
NTH www.janistrading.com
Oak & Oscar www.oakandoscar.com
Ocean7 www.ocean7watchco.com
Orange Watch Company www.orangewatchcompany.com
Orbis Morgan www.obrismorgan.com
Padron Watch Company www.padronwatchco.com
Panzera www.panzera-style.com
Pegasus www.pegasuswatches.it
Pellikaan Timing www.pelikaantiming.com
Peren www.perenwatches.com
Praetorian www.praetorianwatches.com
Radius Watches www.facebook.com/radiuswatches/
Raven www.ravenwatches.com
Rebel Time www.rebeltime.com
REC Watches www.recwatches.com
Redux www.reduxwatch.com
Regia www.regia-timepieces.com
Resco www.rescoinstruments.com
Reverie www.reveriewatches.com
Richardt & Mejer www.richardmejer.dk
Ristola www.ristolawatches.com
River Watch Company www.riverwatchco.com
Sablier www.sablierwatches.com
SAS www.saswatchco.com
SaStek www.sastek-watches.myshopify.com
Schmutz Watches www.schmutzwatches.com
Scurfa www.scurfawatches.com
Seals www.seals-watches.com
Slow www.slow-watches.com
Stevral www.stevral.com
Stranger Watch Co. www.strangertime.com
Straton Watch Co. www.stratonwc.com
Stuckx www.stuckx.com
Szanto www.szantotime.com
Tactico www.tacticowatches.com
Tangramatic www.tangramatic.com.au
Tempest www.tempestwatches.com
Tire'd Watch Co www.tiredwatchcompany.com
Tisell www.tisellkr.com
TNT www.torsten-nagengast.de
Todd & Marlon www.toddandmarlon.com
Tourby Watches www.tourbywatches.com
Trestle Watch Co. www.trestlewatch.com
Trintec www.trintec.com
TWCO www.twcowatches.com
Uhuru Watches www.uhuruwatches.com/wp/
Undone Watches www.undone.watch.com
Unimatic www.unimaticwatches.com
VDB www.vintage-vdb.com/en/
VEJRHØJ www.vejrhoj.com
Vertigo www.vertigowatches.com
Visitor Watch Co. www.visitorwatchco.com
Vortic www.vorticwatches.com
Vratislavia www.vratislavia-watches.com/en/
Watches By Nick www.watchesbynick.com
Weiss Watches www.weisswatchcompany.com
Wilk WatchWorks www.wilkwatchworks.com
Whytes Watches www.whyteswatches.com
Xam www.xamwatches.com
Xeric www.xeric.com
Xetem www.xetum.com
Xicor www.xicorr.com/en/
Zelos www.zelos.com
Zenton www.zentonwatches.com
Zinvo www.zinvowatches.com
Zixen www.zixenwatch.com
Zoretto www.zoretto.com


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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by bbattle » June 4th 2022, 2:55pm

I really like my Undone; I got to customize the dial so it goes well with where I work.

My Merkur is really nice for the price; very nice indeed. I put it on a cloth strap and wear it to work often.

My Eliot Brown is a beast; it even has a Nato Stock Number. Another watch I'll wear without worrying about damaging it. I think the strap is about 50% salt by now. It's really crusty.

I like my Dan Henry well enough but it seems to get lost in the ever-growing pile of watches. I think he might be up for sale if anyone is interested.

That's all of my microbrand watches. I have not dipped a toe into the Kicksand.
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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by bbattle » June 25th 2024, 2:04pm

Here's an update to the list: https://microbrandwatchworld.com/review ... ands-list/

Aevig www.aevig.com
AnOrdain https://anordain.com/
Aquatico https://www.aquaticowatch.com/
Archimede https://www.archimede-watches.com/
Astor & Banks
Atelier Wen https://atelierwen.com/
Autodromo https://autodromo.com/
Baltic https://baltic-watches.com/en
BOLDR Supply Co. https://www.boldrsupply.co/
Bravur https://bravurwatches.com/collections/all-watches
Brew Watch Company https://www.brew-watches.com/
Christopher Ward https://www.christopherward.com/int/watches
Damasko Watches https://www.damasko-watches.com/en/
Dan Henry
Davosa https://www.davosa.com/en-int
Deep Blue https://www.deepbluewatches.com/watches.html
Dufa Watches
Dufrane https://www.dufranewatches.com/
Egard Watch Co.
Elka https://www.elkawatch.ch/
Eza https://ezawatches.com/shop/
Farer https://usd.farer.com/collections/all-watches
Formex https://formexwatch.com/
Furlan Marri https://www.furlanmarri.com/
Geckota https://www.geckota.com/
Gruppo Gamma
Hajime Asaoka http://hajimeasaoka.com/index_english.html
Halda Watch Co. https://www.haldawatches.com/product/sp ... y-gravity/
Hemel https://www.hemelwatches.com/
Heritor Watches https://heritorwatches.com/collections/watches
Horage https://www.horage.com/
Isotope Watches https://isotopewatches.com/
Itay Noy
Janis Trading Company (NTH) https://nthwatches.com/blogs/news
JS Watch Co. https://www.jswatch.com/
Klokers https://www.klokers.com/en
Lang & Heyne https://www.lang-und-heyne.de/en/
Lebois & Co https://www.leboisandco.com/all-watches/
Lorier https://www.lorierwatches.com/
Lüm-Tec https://lum-tec.com/
Maen Watches https://www.maenwatches.com/
Magrette https://magrette.com/shop/all/370040261
Malm Watches https://malmwatches.com/collections/all-watches
Marnaut https://www.marnaut.com/shop

list continues.......
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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by bbattle » June 25th 2024, 2:05pm

The list goes on.....

Meia Lua Watches https://www.meialuawatches.com/collections
Melbourne Watch Company https://www.melbournewatch.com.au/
Mercer Watch Co. https://mercerwatch.co/collections/watches
Mühle Glashütte https://www.muehle-glashuette.de/en/
Nauticfish https://www.schaumburgwatch.net/en/c/brands/nauticfish
Nodus https://www.noduswatches.com/
Nomos Glashütte https://nomos-glashuette.com/en/
Oak & Oscar
Obris Morgan
Out of Order Watches
Pinion https://www.pinionwatches.com/shop/watches/
Prometheus Watch Company https://www.prometheuswatch.com/
Revue Thommen https://revuethommenusa.com/
RGM Watch Co. https://www.rgmwatches.com/
San Martin https://sanmartinwatches.com/
Schofield https://schofieldwatchcompany.com/watches/
Seaholm https://seaholmautomatic.com/
Seals Watch Company https://seals-watches.com/
Serica https://www.serica-watches.com/en/
Sinn https://www.sinnwatch.com/
Sjöö Sandström https://www.sjoosandstrom.com/
Squale https://www.squale.ch/en/home
SYE Watches https://www.syewatches.com/
Steinhart https://www.steinhartwatches.de/en/
Stowa https://www.stowa.de/Home
Straton Watch Co.
Studio Underd0g https://underd0g.com/
SWC (Swiss Watch Company) https://swcusa.com/
Terra Cielo Mare https://terracielomare.it/en
Thomas Earnshaw
Towson Watch Company https://www.towsonwatchcompany.com/
Traska https://www.traskawatch.com/
Tusenö https://tuseno.com/collections/watches
Undone https://undone.com/
Unimatic https://www.unimaticwatches.com/
Vaer https://www.vaerwatches.com/
Vapaus https://vapaus.co/
Ventus https://ventuswatches.com/
Vertex https://vertex-watches.com/en-us
Vescari https://vescari.com/
Visitor Watch Co. https://www.visitorwatchco.com/
Vortic Watch Company https://vorticwatches.com/collections/watches
Waldhoff https://manufaktur-waldhoff.de/
William Wood Watches https://williamwoodwatches.com/en-us
Weiss Watch Company https://weisswatchcompany.com/
Zelos https://zeloswatches.com/collections
Zeno-Watch Basel https://www.zeno-watch.ch/

If there's no link, it's because I despise fake company names with the "&" sign or the watches were just not up to even my admittedly low standards.

Or, in the case of sites like Ming, it's because they are always sold out of everything so there's no need to visit the website.
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Re: A list of the Micro Brands

Post by bbattle » June 27th 2024, 4:23pm

luvsomega wrote:
June 27th 2024, 1:33pm
What about ocean crawler? Dont they count as a micro brand?
I would think so; the list I posted was from that microbrand site so I'm not sure how they picked what made their list.



They seem to have the dive watch segment covered; mainly in quite vibrant colors.

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