Blue Angel Angle #5 And Other Sunday Things

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Blue Angel Angle #5 And Other Sunday Things

Post by Nuvolari » October 9th 2022, 9:31pm

My buddy and I wondered around San Francisco today to check out Fleet Week and the Blue Angels who did some miscellaneous flights that appeared to be weather-recon.

Sand Francisco was both sunny and warm and colder than hell depending on the moment and fog hung heavy but threatened to leave at any moment.

And, instead collect in one dense area right over the ships, the Golden Gate, and the Pacific… which then lightened up in the opposite of that order.

I used a telephoto lens and damn if they still weren’t just a a teeny tiny ‘spec’ on the camera until I cropped the living hell out of it but here are the very few useable shots I captured of one solitary Blue Angel. It was still cool, though.

There was also a recurring flight of this up-and-coming commercial liner… One if you aviation experts can clarify, but to me it looks like some sort of Boeing 777 successor… (“…and now ‘the wake’ it leaves behind it really isn’t that bad!”)

I will say, it was reasonably quiet, which will be well received at airports like John Wayne in Orange County with ridiculous noise abatement requirements.

Oh… and the shot of the people is just a brain teaser:
Take just a quick glance - don’t stare (yet) - and pick ONE of the two options below:
That is two dudes wearing a mask as chin strap;
That is two dudes with a nappy beard.

Nah, that’s a trick - the answer is, YES!

Later, at home, the shots on our drive and dog walk were much easier captured on my damn phone.
It was a nice day. :mrgreen:
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Re: Blue Angel Angle #5 And Other Sunday Things

Post by smellody » October 9th 2022, 9:42pm

Nice. Your fleet week experience is much different than Conjurer's . .. especially when all those "sea men" come on shore in their tight bell bottoms with bulging crotches.

Nice pup too. 🐶 Not sure what to say about the Chin strap 🤔 crew.
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