SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by boscoe » August 21st 2010, 6:03pm

From "BJ" bead:

Does Blue Sand Stone Jewelry Mean Color Is Blue? Tells You Answer

By: penny1985 Home | Arts-and-Entertainment

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Blue sandstone is a beautiful and attractive ore, with the glittering material in the shape of Blue sand stone is a beautiful and attractive ore, with the glittering material in the shape of spotsis a big part of the wholesale jewelry .This stone comes in dark blue which is close to purple. The sand in1447_1.jpgside occurs the blue color, for this reason, this substance is named "Blue sand stone".

Blue sand stone symbolizes the courage and perseverance. Thus, was populated in the cheap jewelry market and welcomed by a lot of people .It helps with wealth-seeking and wealth-collecting. It has hardness between 5 and 6.this can be compared with the black stone .

The brilliant stars shining in the dark blue sky bring courage, confidence and willpower and boost vitality and ,the black pearl can not be omitted ,it is regarded as the sad tears of the sky .

Wearing the blue sand stone can help people calm and relaxed. It also assists people to concentrate and become clever. It improves one's work efficiency and study ability. It symbolizes enterprise, success, victory and glory; which can enhance the power of leadership and strong and be able to enhance the body's good spirits, drive out evil spirits; clear the mind and relieve the pressure. Every piece of blue sand stone contains countless blue stars, blue and shiny.Thus .blue sand stone is active in the discount jewelry market .more and more people are engaged in the jewelry wholesale business.

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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Guest » August 21st 2010, 6:38pm

GEEKNOMO wrote:anybody can do an internet search on sandstone, blue sandstone, dark blue sandstone.................doesnt exist. not onn this planet, maybe Ilie has found an old rare deposit in his ass crack.

After not finding much on Blue Sandstone other than it is man made I looked at the other color of sandstone dial being offered as Gold Sandstone. IMO Blue and Gold sandstone are really Goldstone or aventurine glass (a lot more info when you search on goldstone). Just a sample of what I found on Wikipedia about goldstone.


Another common name for the material is aventurine glass, based on the original Italian name avventurina (from avventura, "adventure" or "chance"). It is also sometimes called "stellaria" or "sun sitara" (sitara = "star" in Sanskrit) for its starry internal reflections, or "monk's gold" or "monkstone" from folkloric associations with an unnamed monastic order.
Curiously, aventurine glass is one of the few synthetic simulants to provide the eponym for the similar natural stones. The mineral name "aventurine" is used for forms of feldspar or quartz with mica inclusions that give a similar glittering appearance; the technical term for this optical phenomenon, "aventurescence", is also derived from the same source.

The original manufacturing process for goldstone was invented in seventeenth-century Venice by the Miotti family, which was granted an exclusive license by the Doge. Persistent folklore describes goldstone as an acccidental discovery by an unnamed Italian monastic order or medieval alchemists, but there is no pre-Miotti documentation to confirm this.
The most common form of goldstone is reddish-brown, containing tiny crystals of metallic copper that require special conditions to form properly. The initial batch is melted together from silica, copper oxide, and other metal oxides to chemically reduce the copper ions to elemental copper. The vat is then sealed off from the air and maintained within a narrow temperature range, keeping the glass hot enough to remain liquid while allowing metallic crystals to precipitate from solution without melting or oxidizing.
After a suitable crystallization period, the entire batch is cooled to a single solid mass, which is then broken out of the vat for selection and shaping. The final appearance of each batch is highly variable and heterogenous. The best material is near the center or "heart" of the mass, ideally with large, bright metal crystals suspended in a semitransparent glass matrix.


Copper colloid size and failure modes

Copper-based "red goldstone" aventurine glass exists on a structural continuum with transparent red copper ruby glass and opaque "sealing wax" purpurin glass, all of which are striking glasses whose reddish colors are created by colloidal copper. The key variable is controlling the colloid size: goldstone has macroscopic reflective crystals; purpurin glass has microscopic opaque particles; copper ruby glass has submicroscopic transparent nanoparticles.
The outer layers of a goldstone batch tend to have duller colors and a lower degree of glittery aventurescence. This can be caused by poorer crystallization, which simultanously decreases the size of reflective crystals and opacifies the surrounding glass with nonreflective particles. It can also be caused by partial oxidation of the copper, causing it to redissolve and form its usual transparent blue-green glass in ionic solution.
When reheated for lampworking and similar uses, the working conditions should control the temperature and oxidation as required for the original batch melt: keep the temperature below the melting point of copper (1084.62 °C) and use an oxygen-poor reducing flame, or risk decomposition into the failure modes described above.

Non-copper goldstones

Goldstone also exists in other color variants based on other elements. Cobalt or manganese can be substituted for copper; the resulting crystals have a more silvery appearance and are suspended in a strongly-colored matrix of the corresponding ionic color, resulting in blue goldstone or purple goldstone respectively.
Green goldstone, or chrome aventurine, forms its reflective particles from chromium oxides rather than the elemental metal, but is otherwise fairly similar.
The non-copper goldstones are easier to work with when reheated, due to the less stringent reduction requirements and higher melting points of manganese (1246 °C) and cobalt (1495 °C). Here's an example.

Look familiar?

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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Guest » August 22nd 2010, 7:32am

Brilliant find, that is the effin' schist that should promptly and preemptively dispel any claim by the Invictoads (you listening Skel/Rumple Minze/Lie-Long Lay-Low? Every watchlord knows you're reading this thread) that their so-called blue 'sandstone' is a material found anywhere outside the receiving end of a lavatory (oops I mean 'laboratory'). Just one more proof that the big yellow Iceturd has zero to do with horological alchemy (the merging of horological art and science) and everything to do with cynical marketing and mass production. Get a effin' clue watchgeeks!

SloMo wrote:
GEEKNOMO wrote:anybody can do an internet search on sandstone, blue sandstone, dark blue sandstone.................doesnt exist. not onn this planet, maybe Ilie has found an old rare deposit in his ass crack.

After not finding much on Blue Sandstone other than it is man made I looked at the other color of sandstone dial being offered as Gold Sandstone. IMO Blue and Gold sandstone are really Goldstone or aventurine glass (a lot more info when you search on goldstone). Just a sample of what I found on Wikipedia about goldstone.


Another common name for the material is aventurine glass, based on the original Italian name avventurina (from avventura, "adventure" or "chance"). It is also sometimes called "stellaria" or "sun sitara" (sitara = "star" in Sanskrit) for its starry internal reflections, or "monk's gold" or "monkstone" from folkloric associations with an unnamed monastic order.
Curiously, aventurine glass is one of the few synthetic simulants to provide the eponym for the similar natural stones. The mineral name "aventurine" is used for forms of feldspar or quartz with mica inclusions that give a similar glittering appearance; the technical term for this optical phenomenon, "aventurescence", is also derived from the same source.

The original manufacturing process for goldstone was invented in seventeenth-century Venice by the Miotti family, which was granted an exclusive license by the Doge. Persistent folklore describes goldstone as an acccidental discovery by an unnamed Italian monastic order or medieval alchemists, but there is no pre-Miotti documentation to confirm this.
The most common form of goldstone is reddish-brown, containing tiny crystals of metallic copper that require special conditions to form properly. The initial batch is melted together from silica, copper oxide, and other metal oxides to chemically reduce the copper ions to elemental copper. The vat is then sealed off from the air and maintained within a narrow temperature range, keeping the glass hot enough to remain liquid while allowing metallic crystals to precipitate from solution without melting or oxidizing.
After a suitable crystallization period, the entire batch is cooled to a single solid mass, which is then broken out of the vat for selection and shaping. The final appearance of each batch is highly variable and heterogenous. The best material is near the center or "heart" of the mass, ideally with large, bright metal crystals suspended in a semitransparent glass matrix.


Copper colloid size and failure modes

Copper-based "red goldstone" aventurine glass exists on a structural continuum with transparent red copper ruby glass and opaque "sealing wax" purpurin glass, all of which are striking glasses whose reddish colors are created by colloidal copper. The key variable is controlling the colloid size: goldstone has macroscopic reflective crystals; purpurin glass has microscopic opaque particles; copper ruby glass has submicroscopic transparent nanoparticles.
The outer layers of a goldstone batch tend to have duller colors and a lower degree of glittery aventurescence. This can be caused by poorer crystallization, which simultanously decreases the size of reflective crystals and opacifies the surrounding glass with nonreflective particles. It can also be caused by partial oxidation of the copper, causing it to redissolve and form its usual transparent blue-green glass in ionic solution.
When reheated for lampworking and similar uses, the working conditions should control the temperature and oxidation as required for the original batch melt: keep the temperature below the melting point of copper (1084.62 °C) and use an oxygen-poor reducing flame, or risk decomposition into the failure modes described above.

Non-copper goldstones

Goldstone also exists in other color variants based on other elements. Cobalt or manganese can be substituted for copper; the resulting crystals have a more silvery appearance and are suspended in a strongly-colored matrix of the corresponding ionic color, resulting in blue goldstone or purple goldstone respectively.
Green goldstone, or chrome aventurine, forms its reflective particles from chromium oxides rather than the elemental metal, but is otherwise fairly similar.
The non-copper goldstones are easier to work with when reheated, due to the less stringent reduction requirements and higher melting points of manganese (1246 °C) and cobalt (1495 °C). Here's an example.

Look familiar?

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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by koimaster » April 17th 2021, 7:50pm

Masshole wrote:
April 17th 2021, 5:44pm
And to think years ago I almost purchased a sandstone watch from them. Little did I know it’s a complete sham. I feel like a dumbass
lots of people got taken by this scam and others by inflicta watch group. viewforum.php?f=31


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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by koimaster » April 17th 2021, 8:12pm

koimaster wrote:
April 17th 2021, 7:50pm
Masshole wrote:
April 17th 2021, 5:44pm
And to think years ago I almost purchased a sandstone watch from them. Little did I know it’s a complete sham. I feel like a dumbass
lots of people got taken by this scam and others by inflicta watch group. viewforum.php?f=31
I’ve been reading through a ton of posts today on all the different cons. I’m blown away there’s so many of them. Seems to me the hosts at shop are as guilty as the company knowing the people they are selling too believe they are getting something that they are clearly not. Jesus thank god I never bought the meteorite diver some time ago. Oye


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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by codguy » April 18th 2021, 5:35am

koimaster wrote:
April 17th 2021, 8:12pm
Jesus thank god I never bought the meteorite diver some time ago. Oye

and we all know of a witless guy enjoying the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks out of his recent meteorite hydromax


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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by TemerityB » April 18th 2021, 7:14am

koimaster wrote:
April 17th 2021, 8:12pm
koimaster wrote:
April 17th 2021, 7:50pm
Masshole wrote:
April 17th 2021, 5:44pm
And to think years ago I almost purchased a sandstone watch from them. Little did I know it’s a complete sham. I feel like a dumbass
lots of people got taken by this scam and others by inflicta watch group. viewforum.php?f=31
I’ve been reading through a ton of posts today on all the different cons. I’m blown away there’s so many of them. Seems to me the hosts at shop are as guilty as the company knowing the people they are selling too believe they are getting something that they are clearly not. Jesus thank god I never bought the meteorite diver some time ago. Oye
That's the thing. Imagine the literally thousands of people who have been duped by all these TV Follies.

There are people that have called Inflicta "the gateway" to the watch hobby. I disagree. These people get talked into spending not-always-small sums of cash for watches with, well, you name it - fake sandstone, MOP that's not, diamonds that are crystals, straps that fall off and can't be replaced, movements that aren't as advertised, and on the list goes. I don't think these duped consumers go from Invicta, to, say, Hamilton - not at all. Instead, I think they opt for a smartwatch or simply stop buying watches. Why would they continue on in a hobby that, to them, has been based on downright lies and shoddy quality?

That is the legacy of Eyal Lalo and his skeezy on-air "hosts."
"Funny how things that start spontaneously end that way. Eat a peach." - Neil Young
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Masshole » April 18th 2021, 9:57am

TemerityB wrote:
April 18th 2021, 7:14am
koimaster wrote:
April 17th 2021, 8:12pm
koimaster wrote:
April 17th 2021, 7:50pm
Masshole wrote:
April 17th 2021, 5:44pm
And to think years ago I almost purchased a sandstone watch from them. Little did I know it’s a complete sham. I feel like a dumbass
lots of people got taken by this scam and others by inflicta watch group. viewforum.php?f=31
I’ve been reading through a ton of posts today on all the different cons. I’m blown away there’s so many of them. Seems to me the hosts at shop are as guilty as the company knowing the people they are selling too believe they are getting something that they are clearly not. Jesus thank god I never bought the meteorite diver some time ago. Oye
That's the thing. Imagine the literally thousands of people who have been duped by all these TV Follies.

There are people that have called Inflicta "the gateway" to the watch hobby. I disagree. These people get talked into spending not-always-small sums of cash for watches with, well, you name it - fake sandstone, MOP that's not, diamonds that are crystals, straps that fall off and can't be replaced, movements that aren't as advertised, and on the list goes. I don't think these duped consumers go from Invicta, to, say, Hamilton - not at all. Instead, I think they opt for a smartwatch or simply stop buying watches. Why would they continue on in a hobby that, to them, has been based on downright lies and shoddy quality?

That is the legacy of Eyal Lalo and his skeezy on-air "hosts."
I’ve watched a few shows in the past and you’re so right. The words they use to describe these Chinese made train wrecks always baffled me. 2 bit hucksters.
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Hawk » April 18th 2021, 11:51am

I’m with Mr. T on this one. A good solid ass raping based on paying 300.00 for a 30.00 product based on a claim that it’s worth 3,000.00 does not make for a good gateway.

It’s more of a gateway into being strongly invested in a fantasy or near Hawk-level degrees of cynicism with the first far more likely than the second.

Some of the claims can be entertaining. So much so that it’s often difficult to pick a favorite. Mine is the scientifically implausible Flame Fusion plucked from, I assume, the Star Trek universe.
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Masshole » April 18th 2021, 5:25pm

3Flushes wrote:
April 18th 2021, 2:52pm
The infamous Dragon Lupah. Advertised as Swiss Made on a genuine alligator strap- $199.95- blow out price at slop.

Marked Swiss with a Chinese movement inside- fake alligator- embossed leather strap. Kept for evidence :lol:

I can’t believe they get away with calling a watch Swiss made when it was made in China. And what the hell is Swiss gold layered?
Guys I’ve been seriously reading through massive amounts of posts here the last 2 days. You guys have called them out on multiple BS infractions and deceit.
I guess that’s why they call you “the haters”. 😂😂😂
I simply love people’s reactions when they are caught. You guys have been nailing them as far back as 2010. Hilarious
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by DoctorIvey » April 18th 2021, 7:46pm

Massive amount is right. Can't believe it is right. Did you get to the mug shot of Sensei Turdling yet? Eyal is straight out of an Elmore Leonard book, and never disappoints. But then, if you keep paying attention you realize he's by no means the exception in the industry, or for that matter, the world. The difference is that we can (and IMO should) laugh at this, and appreciate the fact that at one time, not long ago, Invicta and ShopNBC assembled a veritable murderer's row of eccentric bottom-dwelling grifters for our amusement. It's funny because they were peddling enormously gaudy trinkets that, in the grand scheme, didn't amount to a hill of beans. (Remember all the times these stunning, often Swiss, flame-fusioned timepieces literally fell apart in their hands? How many times do you suppose a Corona Gordo or a Tim Temple excoriated himself an ignasecond after deciding to stretch a rubber bracelet or mash an index finger to a pusher?)
When they are running the world it's a lot less funny. When a guy falls asleep on the air hawking a Chinese watch I laugh. When he does the same thing in front of an air traffic control panel or with your gall bladder in his hand it isn't nearly as humorous.
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Masshole » April 18th 2021, 8:17pm

DoctorIvey wrote:
April 18th 2021, 7:46pm
Massive amount is right. Can't believe it is right. Did you get to the mug shot of Sensei Turdling yet? Eyal is straight out of an Elmore Leonard book, and never disappoints. But then, if you keep paying attention you realize he's by no means the exception in the industry, or for that matter, the world. The difference is that we can (and IMO should) laugh at this, and appreciate the fact that at one time, not long ago, Invicta and ShopNBC assembled a veritable murderer's row of eccentric bottom-dwelling grifters for our amusement. It's funny because they were peddling enormously gaudy trinkets that, in the grand scheme, didn't amount to a hill of beans. (Remember all the times these stunning, often Swiss, flame-fusioned timepieces literally fell apart in their hands? How many times do you suppose a Corona Gordo or a Tim Temple excoriated himself an ignasecond after deciding to stretch a rubber bracelet or mash an index finger to a pusher?)
When they are running the world it's a lot less funny. When a guy falls asleep on the air hawking a Chinese watch I laugh. When he does the same thing in front of an air traffic control panel or with your gall bladder in his hand it isn't nearly as humorous.
I watched the video of him twisting the quality silicone band, and ripping that unbreakable band in two. I haven’t laughed that much in a long while. Literally on air live with that epic fail.
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by koimaster » April 18th 2021, 11:22pm

3Flushes wrote:
April 18th 2021, 2:52pm
The infamous Dragon Lupah. Advertised as Swiss Made on a genuine alligator strap- $199.95- blow out price at slop.

Marked Swiss with a Chinese movement inside- fake alligator- embossed leather strap. Kept for evidence :lol:



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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by DoctorIvey » April 19th 2021, 1:35pm

I admit I miss the old Slop NBC clusterfuck, and I encourage people to focus on the grand scheme when judging the gang that refused to shoot straight. But they did cross a line with Alain, and I do not mean to soft pedal that.
But remember? Remember when Sensei Turd head, he of the Thomas Magnum ring and double-naught secret Ninja hapkido decided to flex his massive humor muscles with zeta male grifter Corona Gordo and reference being "coy" on the air? Ha ha. It is to laugh. A regular Noel Coward, that guy. Fast forward and where is their forum full of "minions" and their late night shop fest regattas?
No, if they hadn't been such truculent greedy pricks it would just be plain wrong to get any enjoyment from them. This way you can watch those old YouTube videos and bust a gut with a clear conscience. Mass, you must find the episode where the hand on the Invicter wartch flops around as flaccidly as professional poker player Mike Turdling' Cobra Kai-approved abs at an all you can eat buffet. That's stunning.
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Masshole » April 19th 2021, 7:23pm

I’d have an ounce of respect for these people if they went on the air and said “ok folks, here’s a 59 dollar throw away watch for you. Beat on it for a few months and toss it”
See....that would make them honorable.
The mear fact they are fooling people into thinking they are buying a quality watch that goes toe to toe with say a Rolex, makes my blood boil.
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Re: SANDSTONE PICS-update, it is thin glass-put a match to it

Post by Masshole » April 19th 2021, 7:26pm

DoctorIvey wrote:
April 19th 2021, 1:35pm
I admit I miss the old Slop NBC clusterfuck, and I encourage people to focus on the grand scheme when judging the gang that refused to shoot straight. But they did cross a line with Alain, and I do not mean to soft pedal that.
But remember? Remember when Sensei Turd head, he of the Thomas Magnum ring and double-naught secret Ninja hapkido decided to flex his massive humor muscles with zeta male grifter Corona Gordo and reference being "coy" on the air? Ha ha. It is to laugh. A regular Noel Coward, that guy. Fast forward and where is their forum full of "minions" and their late night shop fest regattas?
No, if they hadn't been such truculent greedy pricks it would just be plain wrong to get any enjoyment from them. This way you can watch those old YouTube videos and bust a gut with a clear conscience. Mass, you must find the episode where the hand on the Invicter wartch flops around as flaccidly as professional poker player Mike Turdling' Cobra Kai-approved abs at an all you can eat buffet. That's stunning.
I would absolutely love to see that clip
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