by koimaster » March 12th 2018, 8:24am
I remembered this thread from the past and thought that I would remind folks of two things. The first is that the invicta watch group is still nothing but a company that preys on people with cheaply made junk pushed by informercial shills with IMHO no morality, just $$$ in their sights.
And two, that Breast Cancer is a killer. A co-worker's wife had beaten it back about 6 years ago. It came back and she passed at 60 years old on Friday the 2nd of March. She, and many other women have fought this disease only to lose in the end. Perhaps instead of wasting money on weapons of war we should spend it on finding solutions to the killer of so many.
“Your heart was warm and happy
With the lilt of Irish laughter
Every day and in every way
Now forever and ever after."