Modern Grand Seiko Models Database

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Modern Grand Seiko Models Database

Post by koimaster » September 9th 2019, 10:05am

Modern Grand Seiko Models Database
September 08, 2019 Anthony Kable

Recently a reader contacted me asking if I could provide a list of all Grand Seiko SBGA models. Unfortunately I was not aware of any central list for these models with the closest list an old spreadsheet created on the WatchProSite forum. Unfortunately this sheet does not seem to have been maintained since mid-2017, had various mistakes and also excluded a number of fields that I felt were extremely useful such as year of release, list price and case code.

Fortunately I have a full set of Seiko JDM catalogs that have been released since the reintroduction of Grand Seiko in 1988. I was able to go through all of these catalogs and note their details, I also then checked numerous Japanese Mastershop catalogs, Seiko service databases, press releases, and general internet searches to fill in the missing details.

The current data includes both men's and ladies models and attempts to record the details for all models released. There are currently over 700 individual models recorded.

The page with a description of the different fields and a link to the Google Sheet data can be found below or from the links on the right of the page. ... commenting


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