The ninja rocks

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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by jason_recliner » May 28th 2022, 7:36pm

Hawk wrote:
May 28th 2022, 7:32pm
I can’t keep up with you kids these days. I thought Ninja was a blender.

But it sounds interesting. If I get one I hope the fad outlasts the crockpot.
Pretty sure it's a juicer? But yeah, you can blend/juice anything softer than reinforced concrete, so I suppose it is "cooking" in the broadest sense.
Last edited by jason_recliner on May 28th 2022, 8:48pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawk » May 28th 2022, 8:15pm

I’ve got the Ninja’s daddy: a monster of a Blend-Tec.

But uncle google tells me Hawkeye is talking about some new fangled gizmo called an air fryer. Personally I didn’t see a use for fried air but I’m willing to give it a shot. It seems to live in the context of chicken wings, French fries (chips) and reheating pizza without making it all limp and soggy (that’s what she said). Nothing worse than limp pizza - we shall see.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawkeye » May 28th 2022, 8:42pm

The ninja does more the air fry’s. It grills it roasts it baked and broils. Not just frys
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This was taken in the summer of 1987 on shellback day, this is on the equator in the Indian Ocean,I am the one with shirt unbuttoned in the middle
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by jason_recliner » May 28th 2022, 8:52pm

Hawk wrote:
May 28th 2022, 8:15pm
I’ve got the Ninja’s daddy: a monster of a Blend-Tec.
Wow, they look great. Pretty sure I need one. I still don't really understand the difference between a food processor and a blender. Regardless, Sarah will be taking the food processor when she moves out - she just bought a house - so I will get one of these I think.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawkeye » May 28th 2022, 8:53pm

This is the ninja foodi
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by jason_recliner » May 28th 2022, 8:59pm

Hawkeye wrote:
May 28th 2022, 8:54pm
Yes everything that can go into a oven can go into this. It cost $300
Yeah, wow. Looks a lot smaller than an oven. Currently designing a new kitchen, I will look into these.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawkeye » May 28th 2022, 9:04pm

I love it, you can choose temperature and how well you want it cooked. It has a thermometer and tells you when to flip the meat and when it’s done. You can grill a steak and let it rest while you take 9 minutes to cook your fries or 12 for baked potato
This was taken in the summer of 1987 on shellback day, this is on the equator in the Indian Ocean,I am the one with shirt unbuttoned in the middle
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawk » May 28th 2022, 9:15pm

jason_recliner wrote:
May 28th 2022, 8:52pm
Hawk wrote:
May 28th 2022, 8:15pm
I’ve got the Ninja’s daddy: a monster of a Blend-Tec.
Wow, they look great. Pretty sure I need one. I still don't really understand the difference between a food processor and a blender. Regardless, Sarah will be taking the food processor when she moves out - she just bought a house - so I will get one of these I think.
I fell prey to the “will it blend” videos - funnier than hell and includes non-edibles like iPads, golf balls and the like.

This was from the “you can do this at home” non-toxic selection:
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by jason_recliner » May 28th 2022, 9:28pm

Hawk wrote:
May 28th 2022, 9:15pm
jason_recliner wrote:
May 28th 2022, 8:52pm
Hawk wrote:
May 28th 2022, 8:15pm
I’ve got the Ninja’s daddy: a monster of a Blend-Tec.
Wow, they look great. Pretty sure I need one. I still don't really understand the difference between a food processor and a blender. Regardless, Sarah will be taking the food processor when she moves out - she just bought a house - so I will get one of these I think.
I fell prey to the “will it blend” videos - funnier than hell and includes non-edibles like iPads, golf balls and the like.

This was from the “you can do this at home” non-toxic selection:
Damn. That badboi can blend!
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by jason_recliner » May 28th 2022, 9:31pm

Hawk wrote:
May 28th 2022, 9:25pm
Curiosity got the better of me - Ninja Max XL on the way. Does not however approach 300 bucks. But my interest is with de-limped pizza. First things first.
I'm also tempted but I'm trying to simplify - less stuff. Let us know how it goes, if it really is a viable replacement for an oven then it's a winner. If it's another kitchen gadget I probably won't get one.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawkeye » May 28th 2022, 11:06pm

The max xl is not the foodi the foodi does everything the max does not you’ll probably be disappointed
This was taken in the summer of 1987 on shellback day, this is on the equator in the Indian Ocean,I am the one with shirt unbuttoned in the middle
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by jason_recliner » May 29th 2022, 9:08am

Hawk wrote:
May 29th 2022, 6:44am
Hawkeye wrote:
May 28th 2022, 11:06pm
The max xl is not the foodi the foodi does everything the max does not you’ll probably be disappointed
Should that prove to be the case I’ll merely feed it to the Blendtec.

Such is the fate of any gadget that I grow weary with.
That thing is a BEAST! One of the biggest challenges in my role is storing tailings. Perhaps we just need a Blendtec.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by Hawk » May 29th 2022, 9:57am

I haven’t tried it with mine tailings yet. It was an experiment to see if being terminally lazy could be compatible with a doctor’s orders to healthify a diet.

Whole avocados, unpeeled oranges, cherries with the pit, whole bananas - that sort of thing. Whether they taste right is trial and error. I should keep a list.

Most recently my Thai lady has been tossing in various chilies she grows in the yard with other odds and ends. She eats the results while I use it as paint stripper. The blades never need sharpening as they were never sharp to start with - they’re blunt and thick and seem to work by blunt force trauma.

Highly recommended. It’s about 7 years old and seems immortal thus far.

Don’t try this with the Foodi. I like the outtake at the end.
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Re: The ninja rocks

Post by bbattle » May 29th 2022, 12:44pm

My Breville microwave is also an air fryer; has loads of presets for things like popcorn and melting chocolate. My favorite feature is the "soft close" door.

I have a nice immersion blender that is perfect for making soups, sauces, etc.

Whatever you buy, don't go cheap. You will just be disappointed and will still need to buy the more expensive one.

I have a stainless steel bucket with a lid for my kitchen waste that I haul out to the compost pile. The lid has a charcoal filter in it so there are no odors. It gets emptied 2-3 times a week and now we've got cucumbers and potatoes growing out of the compost pile.

My wife bought a Ninja blender for making smoothies. I think she's made 3 smoothies since she bought it 5 years ago. I'll probably sneak it down to her daughter; she makes smoothies every day and could probably use a backup.
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