ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Grillin n cookin
Watchlord WIS
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by DIAMANTE » June 10th 2011, 11:32pm

JtN© wrote:Great line JtN! I'm laughing my ass off! These type of entertaining threads are what set WLs apart.

Ya know I once had the attitude that what we say and how we say might make us all look like lunatical crazie people but I was brow beat into the entire we can say what we want to say because we can so all I will tell you is, you have a point and its a point I have tried to make myself but come on now we can cut loose sometimes can't we?

JtN - I think you misunderstood my post. It wasn't meant to be sarcastic. I seriously laughed outloud when I read that line you penned. People read and post here for different reasons. I wasn't trying to make a point but if there is one it's this. I love the humor at WLs - many of the members are great writers (conjurer for example) and post some funny ass shit. WLs stands out because it isn't full of "great watch" type posts. At WL you can read witty, humorous posts written by folks who don't take themselves to seriously. Thats the main reason I keep logging on.

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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by DBCooper » June 11th 2011, 1:04pm

@ Horse Feathers. Thanks for the laugh! BIG LAUGH!

After all, no ham-wristed louts complained when all watches were 34mm - no cries of "looks like a little girl's watch on my wrist!" Like King Canute on the beach, that's where I draw the line - come what may.

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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by TemerityB » June 11th 2011, 2:40pm

DoctorIvey wrote:I'd much rather have a Ronco rotisserie oven, 6 star knife set, pocket fisherman, or even a can of hair than I would a Subaquanoma IV. IMO Ron Popeill and his clan come off like a combination Mother Teresa/Gandhi/Buddha when compared to A.L. Laylo and MD.
Still, he's no Creflo Dollar.


Ivey, the tag line was just boss. This thread is just gangbusters.
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by Singerjohn » August 10th 2011, 5:45pm

jb182 wrote:I'm still waiting for the Bass-O-Matic on 6 value pays.

Bass-O-Matic!! Love it!! A little SNL is always great!

I own one of the rotisseries and I have to admit, it does a great job. I have made tri-tip, chickens, and salmon in it and all turned out great. I have to admit, it is a pretty cheaply made thing though. What made me laugh the hardest when I was reading the instructions is "if the rotisserie gear wheel starts to squeek, spray a little cooking oil on it and this will cure the problem". Fuckin' comedy! Ive had mine since 2004, and its still going strong. As for their other products, I dont think I would buy anything else.
The "Hair In A Can" is hilarious too. Get a can of'll work better im sure, and it'll stop the weather from jackin up your scalp too!

By the way, im not defending the cheap piece of shit that the rotisserie is, but it somehow cooked pretty good. Im sure Larry is cooking 2 chickens on his right now while strutting around his house trying to conjure up his next Koi rant.
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by CA Crew » August 11th 2011, 1:26pm

SJ, no firsthand experience but gotta say - a friend of ours who does a nice job cooking meat on the grill & in the oven bought one and says it does well. He's had it only a couple of years. No complaints about quality so far. Too bad he didn't mention the squeaky wheel bit - one less laugh.
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by Bigjimzlll » August 11th 2011, 2:03pm

CA Crew wrote:SJ, no firsthand experience but gotta say - a friend of ours who does a nice job cooking meat on the grill & in the oven bought one and says it does well. He's had it only a couple of years. No complaints about quality so far. Too bad he didn't mention the squeaky wheel bit - one less laugh.

To be absolutely correct when I said I had one and it made an OK chicken, but was impossible to clean
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by RP » August 13th 2011, 8:34am

BigCheez wrote:Amazingly, Jim, I think he's serious.

Let's hope Slop doesn't do a TTV with Ronco's spray-on hair (for the follically-challenged).

That could really arouse passions.

I remember Top Coverage in a can. I knew a guy who was just about completely bald who bought a can and tried spraying it all over his chrome dome. The top of his head ended up looking the an 8 ball without the 8.

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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by Singerjohn » August 13th 2011, 3:33pm

DoctorIvey wrote:Haters, Trolls and Noob(s),
The Ronco Rotisserie was never meant for chicken. Try it with dog and you'll get splendid results. My neighbor, Wang, grills up a mean General Chow's Poodle with his.

Cat works well too, but you cant let them get too old or they get too long and wont fit on that nifty spit correctly causing the gear wheel to squeek.

I bet Larry will be pissed now since im sure hes a cat lover and probably owns 20 or so. They sleep on his gravy stained shirts.
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by TemerityB » August 13th 2011, 6:52pm

These food choices are too far "gourmet" for our little friend and those of his mindset. Let's get real here!

Our gargantuan WGs, who love to rest their Dubois-Dupraz Speedways on their ginormous avoirdupois between snacks, live for Sundays - NFL days - and fare other than just chickens; pigs in blankets, full-size weiner dogs, boigers, whole 20-pound turkeys...and...wait for it..say it with me...

Fish SAMMICHES - the official bonding nutrition and unofficial mating call of all good little IWG-compliant non-banned WatchGeeks, served piping hot right from the Ronco, sailing towards the tartar-stained, gaping, yellow-toothed maws of cheese-box-hoarding, pre-fab home buying, Texas price club-shopping, morbidly obese, Facebook-posting shut-ins/social reprobates/coupon clippers.

I'd reckon.
"Funny how things that start spontaneously end that way. Eat a peach." - Neil Young
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Re: ShopNBC - Todays Top Value the Ronco Rotisserie Oven

Post by Singerjohn » August 13th 2011, 10:09pm

TemerityB wrote:These food choices are too far "gourmet" for our little friend and those of his mindset. Let's get real here!

Our gargantuan WGs, who love to rest their Dubois-Dupraz Speedways on their ginormous avoirdupois between snacks, live for Sundays WWE WRESTLING - NFL days - and fare other than just chickens; pigs in blankets, full-size weiner dogs, boigers, whole 20-pound turkeys...and...wait for it..say it with me...

Fish SAMMICHES - the official bonding nutrition and unofficial mating call of all good little IWG-compliant non-banned WatchGeeks, served piping hot right from the Ronco, sailing towards the tartar-stained, gaping, yellow-toothed maws of cheese-box-hoarding, pre-fab home buying, Texas price club-shopping, morbidly obese, Facebook-posting shut-ins/social reprobates/coupon clippers.

I'd reckon.

You forgot what Larry and the other WG's live for...look up ^^^^^^^^^^^
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