Alsta Nautoscaph Superautomatic Reissue

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Alsta Nautoscaph Superautomatic Reissue

Post by koimaster » December 17th 2021, 9:18am

Dramatic? You bet. Such was my excitement at wearing the “new” Alsta for the first time, I couldn’t contain my disappointment when I realized — after years of believing to the contrary — that this was not a watch for me. That sadness quickly became anger when I started to pick apart what I didn’t like about the design and how it could — so easily — have been a different story. I always try and look on the bright side when it comes to watch reviewing. I am keen to hold back my own negativity at times, as I am aware I am just one man, and my feelings towards a watch are, while appreciated by many readers, not always the reason people visit Fratello or any other watch site. ... -worth-it/



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Re: Alsta Nautoscaph Superautomatic Reissue

Post by MAX » December 18th 2021, 6:42am

Yeah, no. I used to get told I looked like Richard Dreyfuss quite often after "Jaws" came out and it pissed me off. No need to wear a watch to further that idea.
NRPI and Shitheel here.

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

If I am to be insulted I must first value your opinion.
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