Bulova Accutron Astronaut

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Bulova Accutron Astronaut

Post by koimaster » January 17th 2021, 12:50am

So many Bulova Accutron watches up for grabs cause the effect that collectors tend to overlook them quickly. Even finer models such as the Bulova Accutron Astronaut. What a mistake! Well, a mistake you can avoid.

I made that mistake too. I have seen so many Accutron Spaceview models that it resulted in pushing it lower and lower on my wishlist. It was on the list for sure, but I failed multiple times to find a few hours to dig deeper into its story. All that changed one evening when I opened the History of a modern wrist watch book by Pieter Doensen on a page that featured the copy of a tuning fork Swiss Patent 312290.

https://www.fratellowatches.com/tbt-bul ... VOxizlNaQA


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With the lilt of Irish laughter

Every day and in every way

Now forever and ever after."
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