Beyond BS

Watches and such at Kickstarter.
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Beyond BS

Post by biglove » October 19th 2020, 12:56pm

So I get some spam email today "inviting" me to spend $1 to reserve a spot to buy a wartch when it goes live on KS. Even if the watch doesn't fund, these shillsters have figured out a way to fleece folks.

My best friend from college shared his secret to his huge financial success, "I fell out of the right vagina."

"We should just sanction stupidity as our national pastime and be done with it."-TemerityB, Loser like me
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Re: Beyond BS

Post by biglove » October 19th 2020, 4:48pm

Hawk wrote:
October 19th 2020, 1:08pm
Time for a new email account. The existing one is toast.
Every once in a while something gets through the Gmail spam filter. At least this one was entertaining.

On a boring day I will go into my Spam folder and reply to the scumbag cons with such classics as "go fuck a goat.". Hope it ties someone up for just a few seconds and drives their BP up. Maybe one day one of the bastards will blow a vessel.
My best friend from college shared his secret to his huge financial success, "I fell out of the right vagina."

"We should just sanction stupidity as our national pastime and be done with it."-TemerityB, Loser like me
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