Draken Peregrine

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Draken Peregrine

Post by koimaster » December 5th 2017, 10:24am

The folks from Draken Watches sent me a Peregrine prototype to play with for a short while when their Kickstarter was underway. From the looks of things today, the campaign is doing great, as they have blown past their fundraising goal and still have 12 days remaining. After wearing the watch for a couple of days, I completely understand the secret to their success. The Peregrine is a solid tool watch that is brimming with the kind of details that watch nerds will love.

http://www.thetimebum.com/2017/12/drake ... ime+Bum%29

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tu ... ilot-watch


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Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by MKTheVintageBloke » December 5th 2017, 12:41pm

I've been posting in the thread about it in WUS' Concepts and Designs forum. Looks like my advice - sadly - wasn't taken into account.

Looks like a fashion watch. The horological equivalent of boxer shorts sticking out above the belt. Which is very ghey.
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Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by TemerityB » December 5th 2017, 1:46pm


Ye bend to the sound of the horns, precious copper kettle - 'tis a great day in the morning!

And it was just this early morning, err the chickens had not even began their scrummage for flukes, that my goodly wife had just completed a most royal and expert attention to my esteemed best leg of three. I rolled over in the bed chamber, took my soiled yet sturdy laptop upon my own, and found this most sterling example of a post. Exult! Dot'h the parakeets and magpies proclaim!

Even the name Draken Peregrine doth make me forgive even my proclaimed disdain for The Starter of Kick - it also pleases me even more than my beloved lady fair's wanton ministrations! Just gazing upon that expertly applied moniker - the "A" kitty-cornered akin to an accused penny-stealer awaiting harsh sentence while cowering in a prison inhabited by Whigs - is enough to make me reach for my penny pen, or, as is the trend these days, my plastic issuer of hard-found funds. Add to that logo work that defies the laws of art, expert, and even cleanliness - yet, it tracks my precious juices! Away, workaday pittance, away! Just months from sweet abandon into a world of high horology that are not speak its name - besides, I cannot pronounceth "Peregrine," yet I must. I must!

Draken! Draken! Draken! Thus, the change is a new, bold era upon our sensibilities! The Starter Of Kick - my new GOD!
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Post by anonymous-10 » December 5th 2017, 2:03pm


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Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by MKTheVintageBloke » December 5th 2017, 2:24pm

TemerityB wrote:Image

Ye bend to the sound of the horns, precious copper kettle - 'tis a great day in the morning!

And it was just this early morning, err the chickens had not even began their scrummage for flukes, that my goodly wife had just completed a most royal and expert attention to my esteemed best leg of three. I rolled over in the bed chamber, took my soiled yet sturdy laptop upon my own, and found this most sterling example of a post. Exult! Dot'h the parakeets and magpies proclaim!

Even the name Draken Peregrine doth make me forgive even my proclaimed disdain for The Starter of Kick - it also pleases me even more than my beloved lady fair's wanton ministrations! Just gazing upon that expertly applied moniker - the "A" kitty-cornered akin to an accused penny-stealer awaiting harsh sentence while cowering in a prison inhabited by Whigs - is enough to make me reach for my penny pen, or, as is the trend these days, my plastic issuer of hard-found funds. Add to that logo work that defies the laws of art, expert, and even cleanliness - yet, it tracks my precious juices! Away, workaday pittance, away! Just months from sweet abandon into a world of high horology that are not speak its name - besides, I cannot pronounceth "Peregrine," yet I must. I must!

Draken! Draken! Draken! Thus, the change is a new, bold era upon our sensibilities! The Starter Of Kick - my new GOD!

:chump: :chump: :chump: :okk:
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Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by bedlam » December 5th 2017, 4:54pm

What a complete and utter piece of shit. It's hilarious that they seem to be taking themselves quite seriously.
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Mortuus Fakeuus

Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by Mortuus Fakeuus » December 6th 2017, 2:13am

TemerityB wrote: Just months from sweet abandon into a world of high horology that dare not speak its name

Indeed, Conjurer Johnson speaks the truth! This was so brilliant that I spit Cokey-Coler all over me laptop screen! But the laugh I got from this was well worth it! Nicely done TB...of course, Rick Kalena -- he of the 'Havanna Tobacka Brown Starfish' -- will attempt to plagiarize this, saying that it's actually a quote from Jacques Marcel. who was referring to Daniel Mink, or some such thing, but we all saw it here first, verdammt!! Don't even try, you fugly, cigar-smoking George Burns/Shelley Winters love child!! :shock: :???:
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Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by codguy » August 2nd 2020, 4:56am

bbattle wrote:
August 2nd 2020, 4:44am
They have other models but only one using that draken power reserve indicator. Prices are $100 lower now.
Yet they still look cheap, crappy & ghey


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Re: Draken Peregrine

Post by Nuvolari » August 2nd 2020, 7:20pm

codguy wrote:
August 2nd 2020, 4:56am
bbattle wrote:
August 2nd 2020, 4:44am
They have other models but only one using that draken power reserve indicator. Prices are $100 lower now.
Yet they still look cheap, crappy & ghey
That still frames them in a complimentary way relative to how gaudy and awful they truly appear.

I’m pissed that this wasn’t a cocktail, damn it. I thought would be some recipes for rum-laden bubbly tropical drink, gawddamn it. What a rip off!!

It’s sounds like a drink, damn it! Bartender, where’s my drink, gawddamn it!!? I ordered a gawddamn Draken Peregrine over 20 minutes ago!
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