I have a derp face cat

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I have a derp face cat

Post by svaglic » October 26th 2019, 11:25am

When I first got him I thought he was five or six weeks old. The vet confirmed it when I took him to be neutered. I thought he would be majestic beautiful cat when he grew up.

Almost a year later, look at his eyes, one is smaller than the other. I first noticed it a week ago and waited to see if another cat had poked him in it or if it was indeed smaller. I have a derp face cat. Oh well, too late, I love him and can’t send him back.



I named him Buck
Buck Wild
Buck Naked
Joe Buck (from Midnight Cowboy)
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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Post by anonymous-10 » October 26th 2019, 11:41am

I think he looks great.
Much better than this dope.

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Re: I have a derp face cat

Post by biglove » October 26th 2019, 1:57pm

That's a good looking cat.
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Re: I have a derp face cat

Post by koimaster » October 26th 2019, 6:23pm

We found shadow in the driveway at about the same age back in 93. She never got bigger than 8 pounds but even the big cats fell in line when wanted them to. Carol was her human. She was 19 when she passed and is in an urn next to Carol's.
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Re: I have a derp face cat

Post by svaglic » October 26th 2019, 7:14pm

We got some good looking cats on the forum. I joke about Buck, but I love him to death.

Here is one with wild Lucy (She still won’t let me pet her much) and her dog Homie.

Here’s my big boy Ringo, for some reason my cats love my dog. They sleep beside him, on him, they even follow him around until he lays down so they can be by him. He hates them, but he isn’t brave enough to do anything about it.
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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Re: I have a derp face cat

Post by biglove » October 26th 2019, 8:37pm

Homie is their dog.
My best friend from college shared his secret to his huge financial success, "I fell out of the right vagina."

"We should just sanction stupidity as our national pastime and be done with it."-TemerityB, Loser like me
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