A Tough Week For WL Pets

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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by MKTheVintageBloke » September 10th 2019, 1:13pm

I'm sorry to hear that. Do, however, look for second opinions. There is a difference between "it's not doable" and "I can't do it," which might be the difference between "inoperable" and "I can't remove it."
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by gerdson » September 10th 2019, 8:19pm

Ach. I am sorry to hear that. From our own experience with one of our dogs, I would recommend not to operate. Of course dogs are not cats. But our Reba never quite came on her feet again anyways after removal of her spleen, and we had to have her put down after another 8 rather miserable months.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by biglove » September 10th 2019, 9:04pm

Hate to hear that, John. As late Ng as he is comfortable, it is still good time. There are vets that specialize in palliative/hospice care. If you have one locally, would highly recommend consulting with him/her. They can make the most of his time by increasing his life quality.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by Britboy » September 11th 2019, 6:46am

It's always with trepidation and heartache when you have to take a family pet to the vet
I hope that they say good things

No matter what happens you were both very kindhearted to take "the family" into your house and care for them, it sounds as though they are all very happy

I have a lump in my throat and wish you all the best
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by koimaster » September 20th 2019, 10:41am


How is Mr. O'Brian doing? I wanted to follow up and see if he is still annoying you as cats are wont to do.


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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by conjurer » September 20th 2019, 11:07am

Thanks for the kind thoughts, guys.

OB (as we call him for short) is still here--he jumped up on the bed this morning and woke me up for some head-scratches and sew Fourth. The vet's got him on steroids for the cancer, or something--I can't figure it out myself. We also have some kitty opium, which we give him when he's in obvious pain. Thankfully, we don't have to give him much of that, since the Irish have the weakness, and the last thing I need is a strung out cat.

So far, he seems to be (mostly) pain free; he still has his back leg wrapped, where the tumor is, but he's walking around fine, purring a lot, eating everything in sight, and using his box. He's, as always, almost absurdly affectionate for a cat. We plan on keeping on with this care while OB's life is worth living, and when that changes, well, we'll take care of that then.

The other night OB jumped up on my lap and fell asleep, and it was then that it hit me, that he wasn't going to be around for long, and I became totally unmanned, and started crying like a schoolgirl. All this accomplished was to aggravate OB, who jumped down and stamped off, pissed off. So, I'll try to continue to be strong.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by MKTheVintageBloke » September 20th 2019, 11:27am

conjurer wrote:
September 20th 2019, 11:07am
So, I'll try to continue to be strong.
The way I see it, indeed that's the best thing you can do. Especially that it looks like OB thinks so as well.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by conjurer » October 22nd 2019, 10:49pm

Sitrep O'Brian: He's still with us, and apart from his wrapped leg, he appears to be going strong. He needs a shot of kitty opium once a day or so, but he continues to jump on things (sometimes a little awkwardly), eating, purring like a goof, and using his box.

There's really no hope in the long term. The cancer will win. But for the short term, O'Brian's got the heart of a whale, and me and Mrs. C are doing our best to spoil him. Sometimes, his condition verges on the comical; with his wrapped back foot, he's unable to scratch his head on that side, but he still attempts it, and so we have to act as a surrogate foot, and give him head scratches instead--but his foot keeps moving anyway, uselessly, and he purrs like a goof, and his eyes cross with pleasure.

Now, alas, his brother/son Murphy isn't well, and Mrs. C is taking him to the vet tomorrow to find out what's wrong with this Irish bastard.

Being owned by cats isn't easy.

As always, I thank all the kind Lords for their kind words and good thoughts.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by Thunder1 » October 23rd 2019, 7:11am

ocean wrote:
October 23rd 2019, 4:10am
Hope everything goes well John. Here at the house my daughter wanted this little puppy she named her Everest.
Both are cute..what breed of dog is Everest ?..
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by koimaster » October 23rd 2019, 8:38am

conjurer wrote:
October 22nd 2019, 10:49pm
Sitrep O'Brian: He's still with us, and apart from his wrapped leg, he appears to be going strong. He needs a shot of kitty opium once a day or so, but he continues to jump on things (sometimes a little awkwardly), eating, purring like a goof, and using his box.

There's really no hope in the long term. The cancer will win. But for the short term, O'Brian's got the heart of a whale, and me and Mrs. C are doing our best to spoil him. Sometimes, his condition verges on the comical; with his wrapped back foot, he's unable to scratch his head on that side, but he still attempts it, and so we have to act as a surrogate foot, and give him head scratches instead--but his foot keeps moving anyway, uselessly, and he purrs like a goof, and his eyes cross with pleasure.

Now, alas, his brother/son Murphy isn't well, and Mrs. C is taking him to the vet tomorrow to find out what's wrong with this Irish bastard.

Being owned by cats isn't easy.

As always, I thank all the kind Lords for their kind words and good thoughts.

It is unfortunate that surgery cannot help in this case. My two rag dolls are both 12 years old and I dread the day one of them becomes ill. The hooligans my daughter brought home are still going strong though. While I was at staying in Bainbridge last weekend (yes, the Ducks kicked the huskies in the ass) we would watch the interior cameras to watch the cats. What a group of stinkers they are.

I hope the irish lads continue to drink from the well of life for some time to come.


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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by TemerityB » October 23rd 2019, 1:02pm


I don't even know what to write. I'm one of those damnable oafs who has adopted both a senior cat AND dog in recent years, and with that comes the all-too-frequent "what's wrong now" phases that are part of the territory. Yet, I wouldn't have it any other way.

As for you, well - my Izzy has taught me that a good cat can be every bit as much of a best friend as a dog is. And so, I have to send good vibes to you and all of yours. I consider Izzy to be one of the most remarkable creatures I've ever known; I'm sure you feel the same way about your two.

Spoil the living shit out of them, and yourselves. Time is the most precious commodity, so GODAM it, live it up.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by conjurer » October 23rd 2019, 8:34pm

Well, some good news for once: Murphy's going to be fine. His stomach--distended as it normally is--was filled with gas, for some reason. The kitty sawbones took care of it, pronounced him fit as a fucking fiddle, and gave us some drugs to shove down his furry pie-hole. He's back to his old, infuriating self, although a little muted in his meows, which is a blessing in itself.
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Re: A Tough Week For WL Pets

Post by Thunder1 » October 24th 2019, 3:17am

That is good news..I'm sure the cats know that you & the wife have been taking good care of them, and appreciate it in heir own ways..
Ebels are a lot like women that lack a low cut dress that zips up the side...neither get the love that they deserve...
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