NY Law Allows Pets To Be Buried Alongside Their Humans

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NY Law Allows Pets To Be Buried Alongside Their Humans

Post by koimaster » August 19th 2019, 4:00pm

Options used to be limited for people who wanted to be buried with their fur babies. Basically their only choice was to be buried in a pet cemetery if that’s what they wanted.

But if people can be buried at a pet cemetery, than why can’t pets be buried at a human cemetery?

It’s a question that one state is answering with a new law.

New York is changing up the rules when it comes to pets and where they’re allowed to be buried. They passed a law that allows people to be buried alongside their pets if they so choose, in a human cemetery. And the law isn’t just limited to dogs and cats. It allows for a range of different animals to be buried with their owners.

https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greate ... 2IIZVRfgb8

Works for me!


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With the lilt of Irish laughter

Every day and in every way

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