What a month, raining cats

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What a month, raining cats

Post by svaglic » November 22nd 2018, 11:56am

For several months I’ve been trying to tame this cat. She is beautiful and sweet, she loves rubbing up against Homie. I call Homie my bait dog because I can’t pet her unless he is around. I make him sit in front of me and when she comes up to rub, I get to pet her. I have had her in the house for about a month and I still can’t pet her unless Homie is around. She sleeps in the spare bed, eats my food, uses the litter box, but won’t let me pet her. I had hoped to tame her, but I may have to let her go back outside. I’m not sure if it’s cruel to keep her inside or not, she won’t last long outside, I live on a blacktop and coyotes walk around at night. I am having her spayed on the 27th, at least if I let her back outside she will have a chance at a life without staying pregnant 24-7. I have an old small shed out back, I could fix it up for her to have a safe place to sleep and relax.

A little over a week ago, this showed up on my parents porch. Obviously had not been an outside cat, she was sweet, friendly and moved right in. She has Himalaya or Siamese in her, she is playing with moms cat Bob (aka Blob). She will also go in on the 27th to get spayed.

And yesterday this came running up to me in moms backyard. So tiny, still walks clumsy and can’t really jump yet, she climbs up stuff, can’t really meow good yet. This thing is like glue to me, purrs constantly and loves to be petted. Another inside cat that adapted immediately to the house. I guess I’m taking her on the 27th too. She is long haired and kind of looks like a raggamuffin cat. She is black, but has white and beige on her belly and a grey ring around her neck. The fur on her sides is grey tipped, looks like someone threw powdered sugar on her.

I am not turning into a crazy cat lady. The kittens will be the easiest to give away, hopefully we can find them good homes. Being spayed and having their shots should help.

If I see who is dumping these cats, I’m going to go off on them. How someone can take a kitten that is used to being inside and dump it outside is beyond belief. These little dummies don’t know what they did wrong, they just know they were tossed out like trash.
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by MAX » November 22nd 2018, 12:48pm

No greater pet than a nice cat!
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Post by anonymous-10 » November 22nd 2018, 2:46pm

Hang onto Homies pal. Even dogs need a cat.
Last edited by Guest on November 22nd 2018, 3:31pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by biglove » November 23rd 2018, 2:15pm

NO better home could a feline find than with you!
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by gerdson » November 24th 2018, 6:05pm

I do agree with ofcmark - anyways, if she uses the litter, where is the problem?

Unfortunately our cat is the last one we will have. I have started to develop an allergy against her hair. She is 12 now, so we still got a couple of years with her.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by svaglic » November 28th 2018, 7:24am

I managed to get the two kittens in to the Vet yesterday, I couldn’t get the big one. The Siamese looking one is a girl, the long haired kitten is a boy. I feel kind of stupid taking him in to be spayed and finding out it’s a boy, but I didn’t want to dig around his fur to find out what he was. I will be picking them up today. We’ve only had them a short time, but they are missed already and we can’t wait to get them back home.
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by svaglic » December 25th 2018, 6:37am

The other night Homie and I were sitting on the couch and the wild one (Lucy) jumped up on the other side of Homie and let me pet her. I was so shocked, I usually have to sneak pet her, but she let me pet her for about twenty minutes. Then this morning I walked up to her and she started to run and hide, but stopped and let me pet her. We are getting there, she is coming around.
It’s amazing how good one can feel when an animal shows trust in you. What a great feeling to start the day with.
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by TemerityB » December 25th 2018, 8:44am

svaglic wrote:The other night Homie and I were sitting on the couch and the wild one (Lucy) jumped up on the other side of Homie and let me pet her. I was so shocked, I usually have to sneak pet her, but she let me pet her for about twenty minutes. Then this morning I walked up to her and she started to run and hide, but stopped and let me pet her. We are getting there, she is coming around.
It’s amazing how good one can feel when an animal shows trust in you. What a great feeling to start the day with.

It is an amazing feeling, one of the best things in life.

As it's Christmas, I was watching my dog and my cat in the kitchen eating their breakfasts this morning, all peaceful and happy, and I got all choked up. What a lucky bastard I am. And how lucky those animals are to have you. My hero, svaglic.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by svaglic » August 26th 2020, 6:36pm

Lucy had been jumping up with me on the couch when I lay down and she has been cuddling with me. Giving up the belly for rubs and just enjoying being loved on. I still can’t walk up to her and pet her though. Well, I tricked her, I was laying down and when she jumped up for some cuddle time, I grabbed her by the back of her neck and put her in a cage.
She rocked that kennel, she was almost flipping it. I ran her to the vet to see if she needed spayed because she hasn’t appeared to come into heat. When they had her under, they saw a scar and scanned her for a micro chip. She was 5 years old and had run away from her owner at around six months of age. They had to call the owner to see if she wanted Lucy back, I was so nervous waiting on the call back.
The lady got Lucy and another kitten through a barn feral cat program, she kept them in a garage for two months and when she opened the garage, Lucy ran and she never saw her again. She said if Lucy was now a house cat, letting me pet her and she was loved then I could keep her.
The Vet and I decided that the kennel and trip was too hard on the wild child and since she is an inside cat, I shouldn’t bring her in for vaccines anymore. If she is sick and has to be brought in, they will catch her up the best they can.
The report on Lucy was that she was so feral that they didn’t think she could ever be tamed and that’s why they put her in the feral barn program. Yet here she is, sleeping on the couch with me and letting me rub her belly. Of course it took me most of the day apologizing to her and begging forgiveness for the vet trip.

Edit to say that she is a small framed cat and weighs 10 1/2 lbs now, the vet considers her overweight. She should be around 8lbs, that’s why I thought she was under a year old when I found her. She probably weighed 5lbs then.
Last edited by svaglic on August 27th 2020, 5:32pm, edited 1 time in total.
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by biglove » August 26th 2020, 9:58pm

You are indeed an animal whisperer, Svaglic. That is a gift.

Give the little furball a good ear scratching from me.
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Re: What a month, raining cats

Post by svaglic » August 27th 2020, 8:13am

codguy wrote:
August 27th 2020, 6:19am
Are you able to get the chip changed over to your name/contact info?
I have to call the company, get the paperwork, have the previous owner sign off, send it in and she is all mine.
In memory of TB/Phfluff, since he isn’t here to continue to give his praise, I will share it for him.
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