St. Jude Auctions

Memorial forum in memory of Watchlord members who have passed away
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St. Jude Auctions

Post by koimaster » March 16th 2015, 10:48am

Just a note to let everyone know I have emailed Ed's widow to let her know what the forum members have done. When she responds I will let everyone know. As one who has gone through what she is currently going through, I do not anticipate a quick response. Thanks to everyone involved here. Best damn group of haters I have ever been proud to be a member of. I know Ed would be laughing about this.


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Post by anonymous-10 » March 16th 2015, 11:03am

jason_recliner wrote:Nice one, Alain. The hatred is clearly flowing freely!


Fuck us. Fuck us in the ear, I say!

We suck. All 12 or so.
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Re: St. Jude Auctions

Post by TemerityB » March 16th 2015, 2:45pm

Over at WIT, they're upset that someone called Eyal Lalo on air and complained about a broken watch. At betterskills' blog, Larry Holmack wrote a poem to Jim Skelton.

I love being a hater. I wish I was half the "hater" you guys are, too.
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Re: St. Jude Auctions

Post by biglove » March 16th 2015, 4:57pm

We are a lovely bunch of arseholes about the timepiece filled internets!

Merry Christmas to us all...

:shock: :o 8-)
My best friend from college shared his secret to his huge financial success, "I fell out of the right vagina."

"We should just sanction stupidity as our national pastime and be done with it."-TemerityB, Loser like me
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