Château Thivin Beaujolais

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Château Thivin Beaujolais

Post by koimaster » May 17th 2020, 10:11am

Château Thivin Beaujolais: Burgundy’s ‘Little Sibling’ Offers Serious Wine With Joyous Exuberance
by Ken Gargett

Savvy wine lovers keep a close eye on their favorite products, stocking up every year. They also pay attention to excellent vintages, ensuring that they are well represented in their cellars.

Recent great vintages include the following: Bordeaux 2000, 2005, 2009, and 2010; Sauternes 2001, 2009, and 2014; Burgundy 2002, 2005, 2010, and 2015; Barolo 2006, 2010, and 2016; and Champagne 2002, 2008, and 2012.

Although, as with anything with any degree of subjectivity, even these few suggestions are likely to engender fierce debate.

For Beaujolais, 2005, 2009, 2011, and 2015 are all highly regarded, but 2018 might eclipse the lot. However, Beaujolais does not always feature in vintage discussions for several reasons. ... xuberance/


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With the lilt of Irish laughter

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