Combat Shotguns of the Vietnam War

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Combat Shotguns of the Vietnam War

Post by Darksider » August 23rd 2021, 9:55pm

The use of shotguns by American fighting men predates the American Revolution when smooth-bore flintlock “fowling pieces” saw some combat use, primarily by irregular troops. Shotguns continued to see a surprising amount of military use, albeit “informally,” during the War Between the States and into the “Indian Wars” period. Some shotguns were purchased by the government for “foraging” purposes, but a number of privately owned shotguns accompanied some soldiers into combat during this period.

The first official procurement of shotguns as combat arms by the U.S. government occurred around the beginning of the 20th century when a couple hundred standard, short-barreled, commercial Winchester Model 1897 slide-action, 12-ga. “riot guns” were issued to American troops fighting in the Philippines. The guns proved to be of enormous benefit against Moro tribesmen in the close-range jungle fighting common to the Philippine “pacification” campaigns. ... etnam-war/


Quotes from the fake naval aviator misterjingles. Not a pilot, or 9/11 survivor.
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Re: Combat Shotguns of the Vietnam War

Post by DocKlock » August 24th 2021, 6:37am

I've got mine -- Ithaca model 37, in 20 ga., 20" barrel, staffed with buckshot and 7 more on the stock. It's home is in my closet, quickly available.
I chose 20 ga. as it still carries a tremendous wallop, easier to maneuver and (hopefully) won't penetrate walls of my house and "offend" my neighbor's house.
Aside from deer slugs, buckshot is a No. 1 stopper.
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Re: Combat Shotguns of the Vietnam War

Post by bbattle » August 24th 2021, 7:18am

My father had a 12gauge pump with a short barrel hanging from the bedpost. He called in Michael Jackson because it was "Bad".

Unless you are deaf or mentally disturbed, you will recognize the sound of a round being chambered in a pump shotgun.

Ironically, my father lived in a small town where they not only have a mental institute with a criminally insane unit, there is also a school for the deaf.
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