Chicago Typewriter

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Chicago Typewriter

Post by smellody » December 5th 2024, 7:29pm

I've always wanted a Thompson. Today, the itch is scratched.

You Aussies and other Californian and Canadian foreigners probably can have cool stuff like this, so you will have live vicariously through these pictures.

I ordered it last Tuesday and it arrived Tuesday. Had a few appointments so I worked remotely today to pick it up.

Came with a 50 round drum. I bought an additional 50 round drum a few months ago in fear the our Supreme Court would temporarily implement the purchase ban. Anyhow here it is:

I like how the case is set up for multiple variations of the gun.

I'll eventually drop a couple bills for the viola shaped nestolgic case.


I'm probably too cheap to ever shoot it, but I'll watch for a good sale on .45 ammo.
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Re: Chicago Typewriter

Post by codguy » December 6th 2024, 12:38am

Love it!
WE need to put some rounds through this icon we do.

Next up may I suggest purchasing a M1 Garand ---- though admittedly would require a cello case.


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Re: Chicago Typewriter

Post by DocKlock » December 6th 2024, 7:11am

Too bad it's not a "full auto", but alas you can't own/buy a 'new one'. You can legally own a pre-1986 one -- full auto -- for a huge sum of money both for the gun and accompanying goberment requirements.
Firing yours at singe shot won't be too bad.
Used to be able to buy cheap ammo, but NO MORE. I used to buy surplus ammo for my Mosin Nagant by the cases and have it delivered to my house --- NO MORE! Came in sealed cans like SPAM and some was from a little after WWII -- never had a misfire but it was all corrosive primer so you had to really scrub barrel and action after shooting.
Goberment takes all the fun out of recreational shooting.
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Re: Chicago Typewriter

Post by MAX » December 6th 2024, 9:17am

Ill bet you cant wait for Valentines Day.
NRPI and Shitheel here.

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Re: Chicago Typewriter

Post by Ofcmark » December 7th 2024, 10:18am

When I first started my career some 30 years ago, I was a young sheriffs deputy in like most young officers very eager to learn about firearms. The range master at my department had two Thompson that were issued to the department by the federal government in the 30s or 40s. The story I was told was that the weapons were issued before being destroyed by the army to Police Department that wanted them. I was able to shoot them in full auto and was amazed how little lift and recoil there was after a little bit of practice. I was able to cut a target in half which will be a memory. I will keep in my brain, the rest of my life they are excellent weapons, happy shooting my friend
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