Beware Lord Timepieces!

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Beware Lord Timepieces!

Post by tobiepsg » November 1st 2016, 11:45pm

I first saw the ads for these scelleton face watches on Facebook and was immediately attracted to it. The price was unbelievable for the apparent nice looks, specially considering it does not come from somewhere in the East - a UK company in fact! Since I was a bit sceptical I researched the watches to the best of my ability until I was satisfied that it was not a scam.

Fast forward: after receiving the watch I was aware of Lord Timpieces' (LT's) warning of not overwinding it so I started by giving it only 3 rotations. No luck. Another 3. No luck. Another 3. No luck. This kept on going until I've reached their recommendation of not more than 15-20 rotations but the watch refused to run. I gave it a light finger tap and was relieved when it came to life! About an hour later: the watch was not moving. A light finger tap: it started running again. Later on I've realised what the problem was: every time the minutes-hand was reaching the 25-to mark, the watch got stuck. Light finger tap: it ran - until reaching the 25-to mark again!

I sent the watch back to LT's and they replied that I broke the watch - it was 'overwound'! Eventually they offered me another watch at about half price but I refused - I wanted a full refund or another watch. Another watch was offered to me but I had to pay the transport. I felt that this was unfair as I had to pay the return transport fees as well. At the end this ended in a stale mate so I want to warn anyone ordering watches from LT's: if anything is wrong with a watch you've received over the mail, be aware: you will probably have to carry the blame! My recommendation: stay away!

BTW I was quite surprised at their light packaging - not nearly enough protection for such a delicate piece IMHO. So it's quite possible that it got damaged during transport. But then I should not have to pay the price for the damage!
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Re: Beware Lord Timepieces!

Post by bedlam » November 2nd 2016, 2:08am

So many companies don't care about doing business with their customers..they just want the money. Once they have your money anything that goes wrong is a problem for the customer.
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Re: Beware Lord Timepieces!

Post by Wasp » November 2nd 2016, 5:40am

Based in London, gettin sneaky. Company color....yellow. Intentionally named and parts from the QC fail bin in Guangzhou city. I will stop producing them if you pay me ........ one mellion doolurs
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Post by anonymous-10 » November 2nd 2016, 6:15am

I just visited their website.

Too bad you didn't find us earlier. We could have told you that these watches were crap.

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Re: Beware Lord Timepieces!

Post by Hawk » November 2nd 2016, 9:26am

Not to rub salt in it but those watches look like Guangzhou catalog watches that OEM between 2 and 9 pounds. If they were Kowloon (Millionsmart) product then maybe 3 to 12 pounds all in, including the packaging such as it is.

My opinion only but I think they're overpriced.
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Re: Beware Lord Timepieces!

Post by conjurer » November 2nd 2016, 9:42am

foghorn wrote:I just visited their website.

Too bad you didn't find us earlier. We could have told you that these watches were crap.

Live and learn.

Yup. You can pick shit like this up on ebay for ten bucks. While there are great Chinese manufacturers out there, like Sea-Gull, there are plenty like this one which turns out fucking garbage by the container-load. Like foggy says, live and learn. I wouldn't even bother trying to get my money back from these cocksuckers.
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Re: Beware Lord Timepieces!

Post by koimaster » November 2nd 2016, 10:02am

We have discussed them in the past on the forum. For members and lurkers, using the search function helps and with almost 7 years worth of topics you might find it, then again you might not. Nothing ventured nothing gained.



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