Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

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Re: Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

Post by ChronoMATT » April 3rd 2013, 7:55am

As founding members of the International Chicken Wing Internet Forum, they supported Wing against those mean, evil corporations and will do so again against Google!




boscoe wrote:After much research into this issue I have determined:
Wing's history is fraught with litigation and fierce fights over copyrights.
His birth name was Wing Chi Khen (turned into Chi Khen Wing upon arrival in the US). As his TV appearances grew, he was sued by various fast food franchises and forced to change his name.
Hence, the plucky huckster is defending his turf.
Last edited by Anonymous on April 3rd 2013, 8:09am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

Post by Horse Feathers » April 3rd 2013, 8:04am

I have to admit my part in this travesty.

Have attended the Wing Bowl on numerous occasions (more so at the beginning when it was in the Spectrum)


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Re: Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

Post by Wasp » April 3rd 2013, 8:24am

A verse from the little ones bedtime lullaby in Big Yellow.
“Take me US, get me job in factory, buy me Ford truck. Me love Jimmy Cartah”
And so he came…..
Started fuckin’ with our copyrights and scoffing up our yuan like he owned us and Lester with the help of Rabinowitz Rabinowitz and Rabinowitz indentured the entire village in Guangdong . Now this ambrosia is imported for ¢3. a bottle. Plus a free watch when you buy a case.
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Re: Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

Post by AJC » May 7th 2013, 10:39am

Horse Feathers wrote:I have to admit my part in this travesty.

Have attended the Wing Bowl on numerous occasions (more so at the beginning when it was in the Spectrum)


Ahhhh... Wing Bowl. I haven't been since 2004, the year the Iggles played the Pats in the Super Bowl. I saw someone throw an empty keg through the window of an old outdoors ticket booth and a life-size Tom Brady dummy set on fire. Nothing like beer and naked breasts (not chickens') at 8 in the morning.
Anthony to those here
#524567 to the State of Delaware
Andrew to the rest of the world.

Don't forgot to enter the free watch contest

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Re: Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

Post by Horse Feathers » May 7th 2013, 1:23pm

Falstaff wrote:Yes, the Wing Bowl - Philadelphia's annual celebration of gluttony, inebriation and bad taste. Keep in mind that Philly is the town that jeered and threw beer bottles at Santa Claus - all part of daily life in the City of Brotherly Love.

When I was younger and with a smaller company I used to take my staff (all IT guys) there for "Team Building". We couldn't drink because we were all on-call but I doubt that's something I would even try anymore.

Never heard of beer bottles but yes, snow balls and most people who call themselves football fans dont know the whole story there (my Father and his brother were at the game) . It was 1968 and the Eagles had a cheapskate owner by the name of Jerry Wolman. They promised something special for the kids at Christmas and sold quite a few game time tickets to a Redskins game. So they had Santa circling the inside of the stadium throwing handfulls of penny candy to the kid and worse, it wasn't even making it to the stands. Parents got pissed, it snowed the night before and wham.

Another popular and true Eagles story is told by former player an CBS announcer Tom Brookshier. He was getting out of his car at a Sunday game an heard a loud chorus of boos, he looked at his watch and started running thinking he was late. Turns out the fans were booing a College band practicing before the game

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Re: Another Wallyland Lawsuit: Wing vs. Google

Post by koimaster » June 6th 2015, 8:25pm

ttt for curious gorge on shit tv brands. OOPs, before you shoot your mouth off about what we post, become a member here and defend your position.


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