The Best Watch Under $25?

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The Best Watch Under $25?

Post by koimaster » July 15th 2021, 10:53pm

Our collective understanding of what constitutes "value" in watchmaking – or really in any sort of niche collectible – is deeply irrational. The further you go into watch collecting (or stamps, pocket knives, headphones, etc.), the more unfazed you'll be by price tags that can quickly vault from double and triple digits to four or – gulp – five and above. Of course, we can all agree that value will always remain a subjective assertion. A $500 Seiko Monster is a hell of a deal when you're comparing it to other entry-level mechanical dive watches, but for most people it's also a nonsensical amount of money to spend on a watch. (As the great philosopher Bo Diddley related in Trading Places: "In Philadelphia, it's worth fifty bucks.")

But today what we have is a sincere, honest-to-goodness value proposition that nearly everyone should be able to appreciate – and afford – the Casio AE-1500. It's a multifunction digital quartz watch that, at least for me, represents this summer's ultimate seasonal impulse buy. ... roposition


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Re: The Best Watch Under $25?

Post by Mark1 » July 16th 2021, 9:54am

Nice watch for the money. I've had a slew of cheap Casios over the years. They are non-conductive which is nice for an electrician. I would beat them up pretty good until the plastic crystal was unreadable. Since retiring, I only have the triple sensor Casio which I use for tracking altitude, barometic pressure, etc. May have to pick up one of those for golf.
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Re: The Best Watch Under $25?

Post by MAX » July 18th 2021, 10:30am

If anyone wants one has the tan in stock for $19.92 and free shipping over $35.
NRPI and Shitheel here.

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