DoctorIvey wrote:koimaster wrote:Yulin, China hosted a food festival a few weeks ago, and more than 15,000 dogs ended up on the menu.
Half an hour later, they slaughtered 15K more.
Did they now??? I call bullshit.
You'll remember that Boscoe wrote...
boscoe wrote:As some one in the business, I suspect this story was made up by the British tabloid. Nothing gets British knickers in a twist like canine abuse. They float these things out there from time to time and when straight-leg journalists try to confirm them, the stories evaporate.
So I went hunting...and I could not come up with
one single additional source for this story beyond the original
Daily Mail story.
Not one. Every other one I found was just a repeat, sometimes with a bit of embellishment like that kid's "whisper-in-the-ear-down-a-line-of-people" game.
A Google news search for "Yulin dog festival" brings up....
nothing...not as single story. Same with a Google news search for
Yulin dog eating. Not a single story. Nada. Zilch.
Now...I already took apart the "eating babies" BS in this thread:
...but just to be sure, I checked further. A Google News search for "china 'eating babies'"
likewise turns up nothing as does a search for
"Chinese 'eating babies'"
Anyways, getting back to dogs...
I'm not saying that no Chinese people eat dog, because some certainly do (just like some Swiss, some Koreans, and Vietnamese, etc) but...let's say this Yulin dog eating festival story was actually true.
Dontcha think there might be at least a single additional story from even one more news agency? Just one?
Especially since Yulin has a population of approximately 5.9
million people and is home to China's largest overseas Chinese community (more than 800,000 people) meaning Chinese people from elsewhere presently living in China?
Reuters: search for "Dog Eating Yulin" --
nothing - not a single story
Associated Press: search for "Dog Eating Yulin" --
nothing - not a single story
Please...any one...find me _any_ independent corroboration of even the first 15,000 dogs, let alone the second.